I have a feeling its going to be a case
“We have yet to decide, we’ll see how they will perform on the buc first”
kind of situation, but I guess they’ll say in the dev stream
I have a feeling its going to be a case
“We have yet to decide, we’ll see how they will perform on the buc first”
kind of situation, but I guess they’ll say in the dev stream
So what all planes currently in game can carry Martels?
The TV-guided AJ 168 Martels were only carried operationally by Buccaneer and Nimrod. So Buccaneer S.2B is the only dead cert.
Sea Vixen was the trials airframe used to fire both variants of Martel during development, but it was a specially-equipped FAW.1 operated by A&AEE at Boscombe Down, where what we have in War Thunder is a regular Fleet Air Arm FAW.2.
As Gunjob posted above, Tornado GR.1 is a strong candidate on the basis of documents saying it was intended to carry both versions of Martel.
There’s also a not-so-strong case for Phantom FGR.2 (F-4M), but Phantom never had a proven Anti-Ship role in British service. There’s just this scanned image that is of AFAIK unknown origin
Ed:- it’s from McDonnell’s internal report on UK Phantom development B617
You’ll notice these are all twin-seater (or more) aircraft because during the terminal phase of the missile’s flight, AJ 168 was meant to be guided towards a selected impact point by an operator looking at the seeker’s TV-footage.
Owing to the fact it was completely fire-and-forget, the AS.37 Anti-Radiation version of Martel was to be carried by more aircraft including single-seaters such as Harrier GR.1/GR.3/FRS.1 and Jaguar in addition to the above. But so far it’s not clear we’ll get ARMs in War Thunder.
Vulcan and Victor also carried the ARM in addition to all the previously mentioned aircraft.
I hope this is the next step towards getting ARM though
So does anyone know if the Buc S2B got any other upgrades besides the loadout and intergrated CMs. Like a new cockpit?
Another possiblity i just realised with a re-read of the dev-post
They could just make them ASMs. Rather than being TV guided, they could just make use of the naval radar the Bucs have and make them into AS-34 equivalent ASMs. it would be the lazy option, but it is a possiblity. I guess we’ll have to wait and see
While not in game one other platform that had TV martel planned was TSR-2 which actually had the datalink pod intergrated into its weapons bay. So would be able to carry its two martel+2 external flair pods without sacrificing a pylon to it
Smin has already confirmed Martel will be useable against tanks.
Oh thank god. Was a little worried. The wording in the Dev post just seems to imply that they wouldnt be usable in that manner
I just hope we get more naval themed maps for air.
The new south asian city map is basically all ocean yet there are no carriers and no cargo or fleet ships.
Adding more anti ship missiles gives me hope they will add some more AI ship targets and give vehicles like the buccaneer a unique role in Air RB with high rewards for taking out different ships to encourage strike aircraft gameplay.
Adding more naval maps would help to counter the buccs long take off run with a carrier’s catapult to give them some extra speed as currently the buccaneer at 9.3 is one of the slowest bombers at the BR and with no good guns or missiles the gameplay is basically fly far from the enemy, bomb and go back to base.
Martel TV was intended for Anti shipping but it can be guided to any target you want.
Martel AtA montage
Yeah i know but its still designed for anti shipping and it would be nice to use it more as designed, I dont see the point of taking 3 missiles for tanks in air RB when you can take 20+ bombs for that.
But taking 3 missiles for a big reward for sinking a carrier or battleships, thats something I would see as worth it, especially in simulator.
Its more of a general thing, like the german event tornado mfg has anti ship missiles that are useless and really only serve to make the plane unique for the event.
Martel TV on hardpoint Buccaneer S.2B it might be Air-to-Ground missile or short-range anti-radiation missile (ARM) ?
That would be so damn cool to have
Martel TV is a Anti ship missile, but can be used against other things. Martel AR is a different version
Well no precision weapons are never particularly useful in ARB. But in GRB it will very potent.
And then there is the Kormoran which isnt useful in either
It also isn’t useful against its intended targets anyway. It misses most of the time because it aims for the center of the Arcade lock box… Which on most ships is…empty space between the smoke stacks and bridge
Yeah, but steps can be taken to change that :)