British high tier Squadron tank options / Petition to NOT add T-90S to Britain

Kind of is, seeing as gaijin has explicitly said that they dont like adding similar vehicles, which is why we have still to see the nf meter in the british tech tree, as “it would not bring any additional value”

Then when are they coming?! it’s been 3 years! we’re still STUCK with warrior as our only ifv!

representation of SA playerbase, they want their own vehicles in the game as well, or would you want people to suffer and potentialy wait another 5-6years until they finaly get a representation?

We have not denied any British light tanks due to the South African tree. This is false.

The NF Meteor has not been ruled out at any stage.

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Then why have the SA vehicles been priorities over the domestic british ones? Why has it taken since the inception of the british TT for the CVRT family, which was part of our PRIMARY DOCTRINE to come to the game, which we still don’t have? It’d be the same as still not adding the bradleys for america or the marders for germany

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Player representation again, it is not a priority over domestic vehicles, it isnt only british people that play war thunder and the british tree

Then where is it? if its only a skin change to impliment it, and they cant do that how can i belive they are working on light tanks for the british if we have had 3 years with only the alecto mk I to show for it. The f84g got plopped in the us tech tree within a reasonable time frame, but the nf meteor has been forgotten.

Gaijin could have introduced the Tank EX, Arjun Mk. 1A or Mk. 2 instead of bringing these unique vehicles which also will have a different playstyle from the Challenger but instead Gaijin simply introduces a T-90 which doesn’t make sense in the British Tree.

Or could have done the Vijay mk IB when they added the vijay which would actually justify its existance in the tree as it offers something the mki and III dont have

There are far more people in this community who want british vehicles in the tree however rather than the people who play SA. It isn’t about representation, it’s about why our own domestic vehicles have been sidelined by foreign vehicles

Nobody has claimed South Africa took priority over domestic light tanks.

South Africa was a planned nation to be added to the game. It does not change the plans for domestic British light tanks or any other vehicles. It supplements the tree in many areas and offers different gameplay styles and other unique vehicles that the British tree otherwise would not have.

Many people are keenly interested also in South African military equipment.

Once again, we are aware of peoples desires to see British light tanks and these are very much within future plans.


If they were planned why was the class 3 (p) put in the german tech tree, it was made in south africa, the argument for german development is strickly false, it had a basis in the th800 concept but that vehicle was never made, making the name they changed it to in game strickly fictional.

then why don’t we have them? It’s been 3 years Smin - reality isn’t aligning with your explanation. We STILL don’t have the most important vehicles of our military development! 3 years ago gaijin said about the light tanks, and it seems as though, thanks to vague answers, it’ll be another 3 years!

yes but it is important to please the minorities as well and not only the biggest mass, i mean the challenger 2e was the answer for the demand of a faster mbt (that the model is wrong is another kind of problem) , but still they answered to the demand of a big part of the playerbase

If it were that important, why are australian vehicles split between 2 tech trees? Same with canadian? It’s also besides the point. Gaijin is saying 1 thing and doing another. again

i am not allknowing, but they put those were they were needed i guess

the CVRT and british light armoured line does everything the SA vehicles do but better, as with our SPH’s. Additionally, we’re still missing a new ifv, something even SA hasn’t provided our answer to

I didn’t say that T-90 replaces origin vehicle, I said and many other people that Britain players want original domestic vehicle, not just another copy paste vihicle that has zero reason to be in Britain tt. Since when “Commonwealth” became a military union? Are you gona add Pantsir to US and Germany cos they don’t have analogues to it? Will you add Centauro to Russia that tested it, cos Russia doesn’t has high-caliber gun wheeled vehicles? There are many options that could enhance British tt capabilities and you chosed T-90 with awful mobility and gun speed?

again playerbase representation, not an argument they still do the job, if british ones would dop the job better they would all be put into a higher br simple as that

so does israel, france and i would say they have it worse in that department then the british