British high tier Squadron tank options / Petition to NOT add T-90S to Britain

yea might as well give soviets/china F14 from iran or the F5 soviets got from vietnam. Hell if they realy want they might as well give anything sent to ukraine to soviet TT since it was part of soviet union. same with anything that warsaw pact countries were using

Basically, easy copy pastes that nothing but to dilute the trees

Support the vehicle being added, GB is a top tier tree that needs help, and I don’t care about WT’s realism or historical accuracy, it threw that out the window a long time ago.

I mainly want it so that Britian recieves a strong T-series tank to compete since it’s Challenger 2’s are among the worst in the game.

T-90S is not a strong T series tank

@Smin1080p will this T-90S use Russian rounds or the natively produced Indians rounds?

They are arguably one of the weaker ones you would be better of just using a trial t-80u seeing as the brits actually used it for training and trials.

oh he is answering fast, but currently only russian ones i think

Edit: oh well he answered another question but as i understood the main ammunition gonna be 3BM42

As explained within the blog, this vehicle is not coming “instead of” other domestic vehicles or requested vehicles. Some commonwealth vehicles, such as the T-90 will be added to the British tree to further diversify and enhance their capabilities. They will not however be replacements to the other domestic vehicles that will arrive in the future.

As we mentioned within the blog, many of the requested vehicles are already within plans or on the way for the future of the British tree. This vehicle coming now does not change or hinder those plans.


Its hard to belive that when gaijin has said they are working on British light tanks and vehicles, and its been three years with nothing to show for it, when instead we for the most part get subpar commonwealth vehicles.

welcome to the standard, german mbts or the completly broken model of the Puma IFV would like to have a word with you

There will always be vehicles to add to all nations and famous individual vehicles to be included within future updates.

The British tree was massively expanded with many wheeled and light vehicles from South Africa that actually offer many gameplay capabilities that domestic British light tanks would not.

With that said, we still plan to expand the tree with more domestic British light tanks from different areas and are well aware of peoples desires for them.

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This doesn’t diversity nor enhance the british TT - it has the same playstyle of the CR2s and is a 6th MBT - we already have the challenger series that perform that function - what is desperately needed is an IFV/light armoured line, the latter we were told was in development 3 years ago!

but when will they come?! In another 3 years?!

Challengers and T-90 have many different gameplay styles. They are not 1:1.

As above, the T-90 is not coming instead of any British domestic vehicles and was never mentioned to be a replacement for any British light tanks. These vehicles are already within our plans and are not related or effected by the T-90.


You never know, not all vehicles got revealed yet, maybe you are getting one this update lol XD just like france should get a tech tree one this update i mean the premium exists already

That is simply not the case, my suggestions prove that empirically, and there is a list done by Headnaught that gives a better british equivilent for basically everything added in the SA addition ,

Any T-Series tank is strong, but compared to a T-80BVM, yes, it is not as good, however any T-series tank in the tree is an improvement on the challengers.

The South African tree is not a barrier or prevention to any further British domestic tanks coming to the game.

exactly with the new heli research mechanic it would allow us to open new research tree lines on a new page like blue water and coastel, and research new lines like the heli mechanic choosing which tree should get the research points

And how do the SA vehicles offer gameplay capabilities domestic british vehicles do not? The ratel 90 and eland do the same, yet worse, as scorpion, the ratel 20 is worse than scimitar but with atgm’s as its saving grace, and there’s even a fox prototype that does that but better, the 105mm rooikats have a few vickers line armoured cars that do the job and the olifants have the centurions. Not to mention that the 3 spaa have british counterparts with ease!