British high tier Squadron tank options / Petition to NOT add T-90S to Britain

i personally found the last 3 challengers to be a downgraded from the first chally 2. the armour though not modelled right imo makes it the best of the chally 2. sacrificing the little survivaility it had for a little more speed or a hard kill system that proves mostly usles in my experience (unless atge or choppers around). ill take the heavier better protected version over the other trash

I am convinced that Gaijin got the initial batch of south african vehicle models in some sort of lot bundle, as there was a slight delay between them adding the tree to them taking over the british dev cycle. Logic dictates they got a bunch at once, and then drip fed the remaining ones in, which would explain why they got models for the rooikat HVM if they never intended to add it to the game

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The only good thing is they are now foldering them all, but that just highlights how emaciated brit top tier really is

see im not even happy with the folderin in general. britain already lacks depth and now they are foldering what we do have so people skip them resulting in less tanks in different br or killing a br completely. couple that with uptiering any lineup britain actuall does well in eg nerfed 20pds at the same br as the conqueror

Im really excited, gunna make my Chally 2 farm 10x easier and I can skip the Za-35 entirely

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I basically just have the challys left to grind out, as every time i looked at them i was like, cool i can build a line up of just challys. And proceded to ignore them XD

I have pointed this out in conversations i have had, the way some of this foldering is done, it is literally making people skip over things in order to rush the top of the tree, which is just going to result in them getting clapped and inevitably suffering burn out. Its also the same thing we will see with this T-90s, people might by it and play it, but i doubt they are going to stick around with it, as it lacks the line up to form something usable unlike say the equivilent squadron vehicles in say the big 3 or sweden for example

Im an air main. So not overly interested in GRB. But Im british and the chally 2s have such an awesome reputation and I also wanted to be able to use the Torando, Harrier and apache in teh gamemode they were deisgned for. But man, the challys are rough to play and yeah, you can feel the lack of a line up. I need a second chally 2 ASAP.

new brit vehicles are always my first thing to grind after an update and by the first weeks end ive unlocked them, usually 2 to 3 days for a top tier. took me 2 updates to grind the last because i just couldnt see the point.

By the third one i just checked out, they dont add anything, then they slap an actually mobile one at the end of a wall, aint nobody got time for that, especialy if my backup is horrible.

They have nothing to play with, so its just your playing challys and that is the end of that.

Yeah, and I’d not mind that too much, im happy bringing CAS or SPAA (When Ive got one unlocked) but I just wish the chally 2s were… good. I’ve got a thread going on the bugs/missing features and my god, its long…

Its a long list, but the biggest is the fact you lose all speed if you turn even a little, but that is an argument for another time. I just find it funny people think slapping in a t-90 is going to change anything

Yeah… At 10.7, no one is going to play it.

use your left and right brakes when moving, its more efficient

Need to actually set up binds for those maybe. but still not an ideal solution.

its really good, especially for tanks that dont have neutral steer

No idea how I’d bind that mind you. How have you got it set?

Wait the challys dont have neutral steering XD