I think the main negative though is that they have been developing this instead of the vehicles the community actually wants. It was suppose to come in the last major update but was delayed. So it must be taking up a not so insignificant amount of dev time to produce.
And its a folly for them to say these vehicles are not taking away from dev time if they clearly are. If they have ordered and modelled something like the bosvark its just a lie to say that did not take dev time from something else, as that is literally what they are doing.
in order for the commonwealth vehicles to not be taking away dev time from British vehicles they would have to increase the amount of people working on them. But what we have instead seen is a reduction in British vehicles and an increase in mediocre common wealth vehicles, last patch we got a copy paste vickers mk I and a sarc armoured car, its the equivalent of getting nothing, as the sarc is worse then literally every other vehicle at its br, and as previously stated the worst 2 pounder armoured car to see British service in the second world war. and the other one is just a pointless premium that costs basically the same as the khalid a full rank above it, its the definition of no one will ever play this
They have also defo faffed with the model, that mine blade is new
Apart from Ajax and Warrior CSP/2, like Scimitar and FV432/30 are unlikely to provide significant assistance.
This is similar to removing the MILAN from the Warrior.
However, it can meet the needs of certain players.
While the “immersion” argument has taken a pretty big hit over time, I agree with you 100%.
I mean, if you are an Indian player, what the heck do you do? So many Indian army camos for most of the Rank 6&7 vehicles… you could have a fully visually Indian lineup. The crown jewel of that? Sorry, you need to grind a squadron vehicle for a separate nation, with no other Indian tanks to accompany it (the Vicker’s copy paste doesn’t count imo, bad vehicle AND way too low in BR to be in same lineup).
Commonwealth subtree
oh yes
T-90A took seemingly 5 years of work, so…
Well that is still in service and has unique mechanics, most of the british ifvs from the 80’s can be modelled using a readily avalible export sales brochure and a copy of a janes book that costs at most 20 quid.
You would be surprised, the british have literally hundreds of export ifv’s to choose from with basically every gun and missile system you can think of. The majority are also based on either the warrior, stormer or spartan chassis, which means gaijin only has to get a turret modelled for stuff we already have in game
Except the abrams every other australian vehicle is in the british tree. Australia is more then just a commonwealth nation, its a british realm so has far more ties with britain then india. You said in the past despite the fact the australian abrams is crown property it goes to america because they built it and now a russian tank goes to uk because commonwralth member. This just continues to show the disrespect these guys have for the british mains.
This goes with the british tank tree doesnt make any sense. Added the SA branch to “fix” the british trees lack of mobility, a fault made purely by gaijin not adding more british tanks that would fix that.
That list as said is long and the majority are easy to implement, which makes their neglect even more egregious, as said Everything added for South Africa has a direct British equivalent. as seen below:
Vehicle: SARC Mk.IVA
Counterpart: Staghound Mk.1
Vehicle: SARC Mk.VI (2 pounder)
Counterpart: AEC Armored Car Mk.1
Vehicle: SARC Mk.VI (6 pounder)
Counterpart: AEC Armored Car Mk.2, T18E2 Boarhound, T17E1 Staghound Mk.3
Vehicle: Concept 3 NGAC
Counterpart: FV601 Saladin
Not an exact counterpart but directly comparable
Vehicle: Ratel 90
Counterpart: GKN Simba 90
Vehicle: G6
Counterpart: Vickers Mk.3 (GBT 155)
Vehicle: Eland 90 Mk.7
Counterpart: Scorpion 90
Vehicle: Ratel 20
Counterpart: Argus
Vehicle: Rooikat Mk.1D
Counterpart: Saladin 90
Vehicle: Olifant Mk.1A
Counterpart: Vickers Mk.3(I)
Vehicle: Rooikat MTTD
Counterpart: Vickers Mk.11
Vehicle: Rooikat 105
Counterpart: Warrior LMT 105
Vehicle: Olifant Mk.2
Counterpart: Vickers Mk.3(M)
Vehicle: TTD
Counterpart: Vickers Mk.4
Vehicle: Ystervark
Counterpart: Ferret 80
Vehicle: Bosvark
Counterpart: Lorry, 3-ton, 20-mm Quad, Self-Propelled
Vehicle: ZA-35
Counterpart: Vickers MBT Mk.3 Marksman
Vehicle: ZT3A2
Counterpart: GKN Simba (Euromissile HCT)
There are plenty more, but here is an initial wall
i always forget about the argus - what an adorable little beast
Also the ITV turreted Simba!
that should give the Devs some content to outsource for the next 20 years haha
Aye and perhaps we might even see one added, XD
No no no no no! Impossible! I’ve already been told by the snail that commonwealth vehicles full gaps that Britain cannot
Photos dont lie, dont let them gaslight you, i can get a dozen more in an instant ;)
As said the list is long, and most are just turret swaps on chassis
Well I mean that’s a flat out lie lol
51% in favor, the rest split between Russia and different vehicle.