British Helicopter Tech Tree - Discussion Topic

Do we have any images of the two experimental Lynx Helis with Radar reflectors and I-Band radar jammers from the Falklands? One was XZ725

That’s a HMA.8
But HAS.3 would offer up-rated Gem 41-1 engines and many options for upgrades such as Orange Crop RWR, Loral “Challenger” IRCM, composite main rotors etc.


It can get Penguins, which come with various seeker heads, with some similar to those on the Maverick. You only get two, but they get very big warheads.

HMA.8 keeps them as well, in addition to Marte 2A and Sea Venom, the latter of which was tested on it.

Dunno about Penguins on the regular HAS.3 really. Even though they were tested/carried on a HAS.3 airframe, the mission systems on that aircraft were enhanced for Super Lynx/HMA.8 development.
Kongsberg’s Penguin brochure only mentioned Super Lynx

There were a handful of airframes equipped as Lynx HAS.3CTS that had a datalink and multi-function tactical display though. Those seem like they could potentially have been able to use Penguin but probably never did. Nearly half of them were the aircraft that went on to be used for HMA.8/Super Lynx development. And the pictures we have with Penguin are these ones with further Super Lynx enhancements.

HMA.8 has a separate screen for TV/IR picture from PID (Marconi Sea Owl system), and export Super Lynxes have a different display unit in the location of the radar display on Royal Navy Lynx HAS.2/HAS.3/HMA.8. With the exception of Denmark’s Mk.90s that were a similar HMA.8 style upgrade to their Mk.80/HAS.3 type.
So I think the standard HAS.3 display unit probably wasn’t suitable for Penguin target acquisition.
Unfortunately, I don’t know that I have seen photos of the HAS.3CTS cockpit to assess how similar it was to Super Lynx/HMA.8.

But furthering what was said about HMA.8:
Over HAS.3, that would also have several improvements that were found on the Army’s Lynx AH.7. Such as the Gem 42 engines and the more efficient reversed tail rotor. And similar self-defence capabilities like the AN/ALQ-144 DIRCM, chaff/flare dispensers, and AN/AAR-57 MAWS that were on the HMA.8(DAS) version.

My main sources was a book from the late 1980’s (1987/88 I believe), which despite having a section about the SuperLynx, described and gave the performance of the HAS.3. Penguin had been mentioned as an optional weapons in a number of publications prior to that as well, though this was intended for export, and was likely a capability which remained untested on the HAS.3 and would only be marketed with more vigour in later years with the SuperLynx 100 and HMA.8.

So I was at the RAF Museum Cosford today, and two words on the placard next to the AS.11 missile they have on display for the National Cold War Exhibition caught my eye…

I’ll see if I can shoot them an email and ask if they have any additional material to support it. I live close by if it requires an additional visit to see what they might have.


Oh the Gazelle. Yeah why not.

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It’s just funny that we still don’t have a Gazelle in the British tech tree

Would you? Only armed with SNEBs?

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Other than SNEBs, there is currently nothing else it can carry.


Sounds like fun ngl

Yep, just means a lower BR :P

I still want the SNEB’s on the Wasp and scout.


I thought they only had the naff 2-inch rockets. Not SNEB?

Yes, I mean we have a Uh-1 with only Mighty Mouse (the Japanese one)

I think they used SNEBs as well.

I mean… AH-1G and AB-205 do be looking at you funny for that one. It’d be a nice 8.0 I reckon

In fairness, I believe we gathered enough information in this thread to conclude what armament would have been installed had they been approved for service. Either that or we could get one of the French-made prototypes with the standard wiring and armament loading bars, which would theoretically mean they could get French weaponry.

Hawkswing was intended to be fitted on the Gazelle, as well as MILAN, but it all really depends on in-game policy at this point, as some vehicles have been added with their intended armament.

I’ve been following along as yes a huge amount of positive things have been gathered. But it’s still not really conclusive from a modeling perspective and there are still a few open ended elements. So it’s currently not sufficient to see a Gazelle armed with anything more significant than SNEBs at the moment.

If there was one in British markings showing significant weaponary then for sure that might be taken into consideration. But if it just on the basis of a French prototype, that’s not really representing an AH.1.


They have indeed, but this was generally with at least mockup mounts and a general idea of what it would look like. So far we haven’t see any Gazelle pylons for those missiles mentioned above.