Britain Naval Tree - What’s left to be added for all BRs

Well all they would need to do as a quick fix is put each turret in its own compartment

i have done it the pain is over mostly



Due to popular complaint, we have reduced the RP cost of all top tier coastal boats significantly, to bring them more in line with naval as a whole, rather than 2 seperate vehicle types


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and the rb stats

oh i would fly of a building if they did that next update

Just make the bidders guided gaijin, please

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What time do the documents give for the Rodney’s reload?

i belive a 30 second reload

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That would be a huge buff, hopefully they choose that value

yep would be a great change and if they manage to fix the flooding of the front 2 turrets

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I think it was 35 seconds. (could be wrong) but that is no small buff either

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i am not sure which of the numbers they will decide to pick

Probably which ever is longest. Watch the Rodney end up with a 45 second reload as a “buff”

just have to hope that they dont use the aircraft spotting one

Main and Lower Fire control with direct spotting for 2rpm would make the most logical sense. And would be a fantastic buff.


With that fire rate the Rodney might actually be able to challenge the Sharnhorst

It’s kind of interesting and sad that this thread is the only thread that continuously talking about one naval tree. There are none about other nation except Japan (I’m surprised that there are none about US Navy), and even Japan naval thread is much silent than here.

So back to the Rodney, I’m sad that this week’s update is full about BR change, though I can accept it as BR change is indeed quite a big change that can be prioritize before one ship. Just wish they fix reload inside this month before Dev server.

And will be more happy if in March update there are HMS Nelson(1944).


there was kind of a french one but that was only about 1 ship and it not being correctly modeld not the whole tree.

Im guessing a Revenge-Class as its an easy C&P.

Im doubting we’ll see Nelson so soon after Rodney and will more than likely be an Event or Premium not on the TT.

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