Britain Naval Tree - What’s left to be added for all BRs

this is assuming they went for the best number listed there

That was achieved by firing quarters, not all gun salvoes.

so is the 2rpm the one that would be gone with

could be put in another forum but it applies here as well or perhaps more so

a few more variants of the mosquito instead of possibly the 2 worst
including the variant that carried highball
i believe some beauforts got fitted for highball as well

could be quite fun playing with the anti ship version of the bouncing bomb
and yes highball was also invented by barnes wallis


well i would love to see the mosquito with the 4000LBS bomb


The dream.

finaly got it not buying till a sale

the mosquito mk 6 FB they have in game has only half the bomb load available that it had ( in game 2 x 500 lb it should be 2 x 1,000 lb ) i think they often confuse lb’s with kg’s and are way too lazy to correct it when it shows up as wrong

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@Magiaconatus @HK_Reporter Any news about HMS Rodney that passed to developers or reports made of about hull section and reload? Frustration on her makes me just concentrate on grinding coastal and air rather than playing capital ships.

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Developers are handling the issue of forward magazine getting flooded too easily, but I don’t know what kind of solution will come out eventually.

Rate of fire will be increased in a future update.




If you don’t mind me asking any word on if the standards might get their reload adjusted too?


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Unfortunate but thanks for the update

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Future update as in a weekly bug update or the next major?

That’s good news👍🏻

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Probably in the same update that adds Yamato and Bismark :D

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Maybe in a weekly update. I remember Arizona’s reload time shortened from 50s to 40s during weekly update.

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Not by redividing Rodney’s hull section but ‘handling’ flooding issue?
I’m little worried about it as when developers touching mechanism makes bug always created.

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This is where their fix prevents the front 2 turrets from flooding but instead causes the rest of the ship to instantly flood :D