well i hope that duke of york and howe are in there late war refits just for the funny amounts of AA they have.
well i am going to say a TT QE class would be nice they could also do it as cape matapan took place in march so they could add a QE and a 15inch boat for italians
Yeah, thats a reasonably good possibility. HMS Warspite/Queen Elizabeth. HMS Royal Oak or HMS Duke of York. Any are possible, I suspect Royal Oak purely because soviets got Royal Soveriegn last update and they’ll want to correct that ASAP.
Im also suspecting (and also hoping) that we wont get back to back BBs after that though, and maybe we’ll see some top tier coastal, cold war destroyer or a new cruiser. I also reckon a Premium HMS Exeter is due at some point.
oo that is somthing i would like is a tech tree version of HMS tiger as i dont want to spend the money to get her but she looks so cool and there are later versions of the ship with diffrent weapons but they said they were going to hold of on adding more missiles to navel but would be cool if you got a lauchable helicopter instead of a float plane
It’s funny that she still has WW1 AP. It’s only due to messed shell velocity that those AP has higher penetration than CPC XD.
I once thought Arkhangelsk will be the first British-made 15’’ battleship with 6crh APC as she would be the only backup of Sovetsky Soyuz in the future. But Gaijin is more ignorant in naval than I think.
I jsut get this feeling Gaijin Fears making the Royal navy too good. They can dismiss us in ground, they can dismiss in air (at least up until Typhoon) but when it comes to naval, they just have no excuse. I cant help feeling at times that Britain is intentionally held back just to maintain not balance, but almost the lead of the other nations. Its really wierd
I’m even currently out of top tier naval as it’s too long for Scharn has throne, and while I’m also being the Scharnhorst player who free-aced it, it’s now boring to play it. And Rodney’s fix is still WIP and I don’t want to play it till fixed.
And I have to grind Italian and French coastal this year as I think 2026 it will be coastal that Gaijin will focus. I’m almost done with Italian, only Ghibli left to grind, but I’m frustrated to grind French coastal tree even though I have premium VLT-1.
If you try and research a vehicle that is too high or low compared to your own, then you loose a chunk of the RP gained. You can see what the range is on the stat card. Off the top of my head. its +/- 1 Rank.
So If you try to research a Rank 7 with a rank 6, its fine, you’ll get the full reward. But if you try to research a Rank 8 with that rank 6, you’ll get reduced RP. This works in the opposite direction as well, So if you try to research a Rank 5 with than Rank 6, you’ll be fine, but a rank 4 will get reduced RP.
Premiums have a unique bonus where they are dont lose effeciency when research vehicles below their rank, but are still limited to only 1 rank above.
well i spoted that it did not give me the full amount when unlocking the strela with my 2E which should have been 100% efficent but it said 90% if i remeber correctly
Ive thought about grinding another naval tree, France would make sense as Im grinding the air tree as well. But Im just not sure I can bring myself to grind it. Naval I enjoy more than ground, and I find it much easier to grind, but just dont quite think I have the motivation for it.
Yeah, thats BS. I want them to just scrap Research Effeciency. It does nothing except serve as an unnecessary handicap. I was grinding out the Scimitar but much prefer the higher BRs like the 10.7 but basically only kills I got with the DS meant anything