Britain Naval Tree - What’s left to be added for all BRs

Then I hope for changes soon. It’s frustrating spending salvo after salvo with not a single round hitting. Not due to bad aim, but because of horrific shell dispersal.

When you need to hit weakspots the sizes of pixels to do any meaningful damage to ships like the scharnhorst. This becomes even worse…

But the response in the report does little to encourage that improvements will ever come

The spread may be slightly adjusted and reduce

Slightly is not what is needed significantly reduced is.


“Slightly” is a rather subjective word, depending on your perspective and how you interpret it. It’s different from developer’s point of view as they are dealing with codes at most of the time while players are getting impressions from gameplay. That could be two very different stories.

Let me give you an example. The 15" and 16" guns in game had their maxDeltaAngleVertical (the parameter that determine spreads in range) set as 0.4. What if we “slightly” adjust this value to 0.38? It may be surprising to you but this is the value for Alaska’s 305mm gun, and anyone who had played this ship can easily tell how much better the gun accuracy is in gameplay.

It is rather a problem across all guns, namely the rule of small-calibre-high-accuracy. Yes devs are now aware that some small calibre guns like Scharnhorst’s 28cm was much less accurate irl than they do in game. However since accuracy of weapons is a major factor in gameplay and balancing, this must be revised as a whole instead of going on gun-to-gun basis.


Fair, but again, the interpretation is not the “slight” change in the code but rather that the end results on dispersal will be a “slightly” improved. Unless we end up in a situation where you can reasonably gurantee that at least 50% of a salvo will actually land near where you aimed, let alone hit. Then the improvement wont be enough

If accuracy is a major factor for gamepaly balancing then why the hell does Scharnhorst have the msot accurate guns. If it was actually used for balancing, then it should have some of the worst shell dispersal in game.

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Shameless self promotion I know

Also I will call it they will forget this part of the protection



Forget? No they ignore.

They will ignore any feature that will improve British, and just makes Japan as exception. Watch at Mutsu’s turtleback treated as RHA while it is HTS real life, and other nation’s HTS doesn’t treat as armor, only Japan is.

British ships having armour is a marketing lie

Meanwhile, all 3 Kongo, battleship Hyuga and battleship Yamashiro. They are still sitting there without half of their armor, and you are rolling a barrel at them. Aren’t you ashamed…

At the same time, other countries have fewer problems with this.

Well, according to Gaijin’s stands, Mutsu’s turtleback should nerfed to level of those battleships. But they didn’t.

With such logic, then we should take it away from everyone, and not only from battleships, but also from cruisers, and not only from the Japanese, but from all countries. Because they all have such modeled armor.

Tbh, I’d play naval alot more if it was always RB EC. Also, on RB EC, it would be nice if we could join games as rooms like how it’s done in sim.

What you’re critically wrong, is that other nation has ‘fewer’ problem. Actually, Japan has ‘fewer’ problem than other.

Mutsu is sole exception currently that HTS is treated as armor. Yes Yamashiro and Kongo won’t, but also HMS Repulse lost its turtleback armor due to HTS problem.

Ducol Steel? It’s British oriented armor, and lots of British ships lost it. I know some Italian and Japanese ships lost their armor due to Ducol Steel, but still that doesn’t mean Britain got it while others don’t.

Japan bias exist. They are the one who get Hyuga while others were staying at dreadnoughts. Mutsu is added even before Queen Elizabeth class in-game and it needs almost nine month for any other nation to get 406~410 mm battleship while Japan got another capital ship with 410 mm, Amagi.

And Mutsu is currently the only exception in capital ship that HTS treated as armor, and treated as RHA, which is much more superior armor than HTS even when used in armor. Do not try to hide that.

I see only one thing, that you haven’t even sorted out the question of who currently has such armor except for Mutsu, which you always mention. And I’ll say one thing, not only Mutsu has such armor implemented, but also other ships and not only Japan. But you’re fixated only on “Japan” and don’t see anything further. But really, why sort this out. It’s better to make claims against the battleship Mutsu and not see that other countries also have this armor and not sort this out.

Instead of demanding the developers to implement all the armor on all ships, you want to take it away from a specific nation, while forgetting about others. And all because, oh my God, the Japanese got 410mm earlier, and Britain didn’t get the Queen Elizabeth. And forgetting that Britain was the first to get 380mm and sat with them for a very long time, and the Japanese don’t even have that caliber

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Dam did not realize that hms hood and bayern did not get added in the same update

Yes, it’s good that you reminded me about him. The fact that Bayern also showed up with Hood, I completely forgot about him.

Bayern kronshtadt and hood all came in the same update

I think it might have been that hood has 381mm vs the 380mm of bayern so people talked more about the guns on hood as they were technically the largest guns

I even found this from the old forum when people complained that it was obvious that some people were given such armor, while others were not.

The best solution would be if all the armor was implemented and players would have much fewer questions. But alas, what we have is what we have…

It’s funny how the translator translated 152mm into 1522mm xD


Rodney achieved >2 full salvos per minute with 100% output in gunnery practice in 1938:



Does it mean we can expect reload change to 30s on Rodney guns, or that’s still not good enough source for devs?

30s reload would be a huge buff.


agreed anything below 30 seconds would be an amazing change