Britain Naval Tree - What’s left to be added for all BRs

and mutsu has better armor with a thicker belt and a thicker turtle back but it is slower and less AA

Ideally they do split br’s for planes also, really the only planes decent against battleships are bombers anyway and those can be relatively easily picked off by long-range radar assisted heavy AA when all the ships that have it get functionality.

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well if they give other nations SAM equiped boats with apropriate BR’s mabye they could make is so if you have the missiles equiped it up’s the br of the ship but if not then it is at a lower br where its guns matter as the Bravy is kinda stupid and the Douglas

well i have decided that i am going to have a break from navel and get either the 8th or 9th star then buy the missing one for the ship

Currently Britain and Japan have no SAM usable ships in WT at all. So getting them onboard should be the priority.

Needs to go up. Ruins EC.

Also needs to go up. Ruins EC.

I don’t want to get to the point where CAS is dominant like it is in GRB in Naval, but right now it’s completely ridiculous, where your team has no SAM ships at all, but you can’t spawn CAS and realistically expect to get a strike off because the enemy team has a Douglas/Bravy sat spamming missiles at any and every plane.

i would say the most equivilent ship would be the Type 82 with the sea dart missile as sure the county class have SAM’s but i am not sure on the performance of the Seaslug and Seacat and while the type 45 destroyers would be funny they would not be fun for anyone else

So, as I see, there’s a couple of options for our Missile boats
County - armed with Seaslug, which is either 27km or 32km range (depending on whether you want the naff missile or not)
Type 82 - Sea Dart armed, which is 74km range and Mach 3 top speed, but is a fat old boat. Also gets Ikara and Limbo (although the Limbo can be binned for a Swimming pool or a Helipad)
Type 42 - Also Sea Dart armed, but smaller. Carries CIWS for post 1982 models. However, her radar allegedly sucked when initially produced.

In my opinion, we should forget anything involving Seashat Seacat, as the range is quite frankly pathetic (5,500yds, rivalled only by the new French SS.11 armed thing) and the performance aside of that is also, pathetic.

Seaslug Mk.1 was a bit rubbish, so I’d be aiming for the Mark 2, which is a ~ Mach 2 missile, with the longer range and better warhead. Both are Beamriding, so would fit the game just fine

Sea Dart was also a decent bit of kit, however suffered from poor performance at low level, which would suggest a lack of G tolerance (which makes sense, given her projected role was high altitude interception, a job she did just fine at during Falklands. When there were Canberras and Learjet 45s concerned.) - HMS Gloucester did successfully score a hit with Sea Dart against a AShM during Gulf War 1 while defending USS Missouri.

heh, absolutely not. Now, performance wise, I’ve got little to no idea other than range of how capable PAAMS/Sea Viper is (Aster 15 is out to 30km, Aster 30 to 120km max range), but she has a fairly good combat record against RPAS/UAV systems, and she seems to have performed well (when Type 45s were not having power cuts) against high performance missile and drone targets - Brief overview of PAAMS

so can the helicopters carry torpedos or just deapth charges as i would be down for a helicopter with torp’s

They can carry nukes of that helps :P


Errr… don’t know what actually was flown off and on Bristol and Type 82s- she wasn’t originally fitted with aviation facilities, as the assumption was she’d always be operating in tandem with CVA-01 Carriers, which of course never materialised. By the looks of it she could carry a Wasp in normal operation however. She did not have a hangar onboard.

County Classes and 42s could both carry their own helicopters, and both had hangars for them (though in the case of the County it was a right pain in the arse to get helis to and from the Flt Deck to a Hangar) - County carried Wessexes, and 42s carried a Lynx. Wessex was depth charges, AS.11s and 12s, and Dipping sonar, Lynx was Sea Skua equipped, and if memory serves, could also deploy Mark 46 Torpedoes, though later variants could also equip the Sting Ray torpedo.

Yeeees, iirc we had our own, or loaned American Nuclear ASuW weapons… though it’s worth noting the Ikara system aboard Type 82s could also toss nuclear depth charges as well as torpedoes.

Ehhh, 5km isn’t awful and if it has the gws-22 or gws-24 fire control systems modeled (the ones that automatically engage targets) then that would be pretty neat. Also, County class carries both sealug AND sea cat so you could have a basic dual purpose missile and a more dedicated anti air missile (and even a dedicated anti-ship missile if the county class refit that replaces the b turret for exocets is introduced into the game)

The wasps could carry as.12’s with a SAP warhead, the mk11 depth charges, and both mk44 and mk46 torpedoes.
The wessex’s could carry those missiles, mk46, 44, and 43 torpedo’s, mk11 depth charges, and dipping sonars

welp time to leave this till they add more ships for british top tier navel no need to waste the bonus rp shame about the 4 free mods auto redeeming tier 2


It would pretty much have to be, imo, to be viable. Even the later versions of the Seacat were inadequate, as demonstrated thus during the Falklands war.

So what are peoples thoughts on HMS Barham?

She’s quite nice, seemingly a bit more accurate than Hood at the expense of her armour feeling a bit worse.

I imagine thats because the turrets are closer to eachother. Though it might be placebo but it feels as if the 15" has become slightly more accurate though the more I play the less i think thats the case.

AA and torpedo protection are also non existent and her round is worse.

However those are fixed in all but armour with the later refits of the QEs which we should receive, so i still have high hopes. However i chose to talisman Hood over Barham as i also appreciated Hoods speed more.

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Strange you say that, when I took it for a spin yesterday the accuracy felt acceptable, though mind you I was doing it in a custom with no target lock 😂

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Homie we were in the same custom xD

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I would love for hms valiant next update with a kgv or nelson in the following update due to valiants massively upgraded aa and secondarys even over queen Elisabeth which was the other ship to get the improved 114mm secondarys

Lad I dunno where you were on the battleline but I was somewhere at the point where lobbing torpedoes was looking viable

It is decent but could have been better with either a different QE or a later refit of the ship which would have improved the aa