Britain Naval Tree - What’s left to be added for all BRs

I hope for the same.

Though if I could have 1 naval wish, Scharnhorst would be banished, gone, nuked to oblivion, destined only to sink from lack of reserve buyouncy against other Scharnhorsts, Scharnhorst is like when the A-10 got added with 9L’s which pushed the F-104’s down and ruined everything. But this time, Scharnhorst is an F-104 with flares and AIM-9L’s at 9.3.

well just about 1 month and a half till we might get some more ships

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I’m less concerned with what they give us, and more concerned with what they give everyone else. And by everyone else I mean Germany, if they get Bismarck or Gneisenau, it’s just not worth playing Britain until they introduce the KGV’s we are absolutely cooked

To a lesser extent I am also worried about what they give Japan and America, and I assume Italy gets at the very best Francesco Caracciolo and France Dunkerque/Stras, which Hood can deal with.

For us its relatively straight-forward, we either get some 15" BB’s which are probably a bit better than Hood or we get Nelson/KGV (which I do not see happening) but are a huge step up over everything but Scharnhorst.

well japan is on thin ice on what they can add which will be an improvement over the curret 16inch ships that are not yamato

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They can either add Tosa, which isn’t hugely scary, or they can add a refitted Nagato, which is.

Tempted to call it, nelson in the tech tree, Rodney as a premium

well nelson is the better equiped secondary wise with having more 40MM guns but i feel sending one of the many ships that are part of the Revenge class or QE or even KGV class to the premium realm as there are just more of them with 5 in each class

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There are some ships too valuable to lose. G 3, Nelson and Rodney and Vanguard we cant afford to have premium or event versions of.

Nelson and Rodney have a good chance of being better than the KGVs due to the all forward scheme and bigger guns.

If they wanna add british events (though we’ve had our fair share now) it’ll have to be duplicates of other ships.

A KGV is the highest they can do imo but we have lots of WW1 era ships that woulr make good events. Like Agincourt, Erin or Canada.

and Lion and Temeraire with one being the early war one before it was first canceled and one part way through when it was going to be restared

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Yeah neither of the Lions can be events either.

Though im sure we will end up being forced to sacrifice one if these ships because Gaijin.

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if they want any event ships the R-class has many ships that are fine but nothing overly special


If the G 3 wasn’t going to be the best ship in the tree I’d suggest she would make a good event. But she really just beats everything else we have in a brawl.

One solution would be to use the fact that at least 2 G 3s were laid down and one configuration is no better than a faster Nelson class.

They could save the 16.5" one for the TT as it would be literally the best ship in the tree and add the 16" armed variant as an event.

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well there was the N3 BB which would be intresting as it might equal yamato in guns at a minimum

For example can be added for the HMS Tiger (C20) finally her Seacat missiles.

well she is a class of 3 ships so hopefully we get some of her sister ships


I’d like to see Lion in her original config for TT as well as Blake in her refitted configuration also for TT with Seacats.

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God I love this new profile picture, the RN uniform, the white ensign, the historical figure and the art style.

Absolute perfection


Also from playing around with the armour viewer, it seems Amagi has almost equivalent protection to Hood. Though there is the big factor of the magazine placement how Japan unlearned fantastic magazine placement from the Royal Navy I do not know.

But it seems Amagi might just be better than Hood bar AA capability. She has bigger guns, more guns, better gun handling, higher RoF, ~equivalent protection, a floatplane, she’s almost as fast, and I hear she handles better, she also has better torpedo’s if you care for that.

Her downsides would be slightly higher dispersion than the 15" though its probably more than offset by RoF and no. of guns, she is slightly slower, she has higher magazines which leads her to be more vulnerable to shells that do penetrate.

It seems I was wrong to dismiss Amagi previously due to the poor belt and what I presumed would be an ineffective turtleback.

So uhh… decompression when Gaijin?

I’m getting it tomorrow or tonight. Probably tomorrow morning.

i feel they are going to try and use oh but planes will be to stronk and ship AA will be to bad and yamato will end up being at a same BR as all “best” of other nations