Britain Naval Tree - What’s left to be added for all BRs

um i first thought it would be a equivilent to glorious but it is not and glorious is insainly tanky

yes you gotta hold angles as 8 inch guns are no joke

well i think glorious is so strong because of where the ammo is in the hull and it is so far below the water line

yeah ivr never played british naval but i heard there mid and i dont fight them often

they are not great not bad but it is a shame given the history of the royal navy but i mainly play them because i am british and i have completed the air and ground tree

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ww2 and ww1 neglect every update is pain

but some of the advantage they had irl were the ship radars for poor weather targeting which would be nice as some EC games can have very bad weather somtimes and if they then made spotting diffrent

japan had that problem as they had no gun radar and the americans and basically every other country did

sometimes i kinda want an atlantic map with realy bad weather where the waves get massive just to see what happens to the tiny boats

i love going on storm maps in open water those big circle ones in like hms liscomb the fishing trawler turned sub chaser and fight my freinds as we get tossed about its fun in destroyers to

scapa flow might be a cool map to add to the game
looks like lots of islands and would be a cool real life map as i dont think any maps are like that in game for navel

yeah that would be awesome or how about the harbor where they scuttleed all the german ww1 navy

might be a very nice map for EC as it is 100km diagonally across but given that ships irl can engage to further than what we do in game it might work for lower tiers if they give it a higher game timer

and of course the best place on earth TWATT

you can see in this that one shell is a fair bit off to 1 side of the rest of the group this is after 11km ish of travel

I would love a Scapa Flow map. As well as a channel dash map for EC.

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I recommend colossus, so long as you are not fully uptiered to 7.0 you are relatively competitive and certainly against the other 6.3’s you’re probably one of the better ones, despite on paper not looking that good.

But not getting uptiered to 7.0 is easier said than done. I remember I used to get lots of nice 6.3-6.7 games and with some good shot placement, you could do great, alas now it seems like every match I fight a couple of Scharnhorsts and the odd Kron, Paris Kommuna or Marat and really could can’t even scratch them.

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ones in red are being saved as there is a sale near so i dont see a need to buy them atm

i am hoping that when we finaly get decompression evenetualy to 7.7 or higher that they will have there time in the light like the 5.7’s have atm

Get Marlborough, skip crewing Orion, as far as battleships go, she’s one of the worst i’ve ever played br for br.

Queen Mary has been fun until I encounter a Scharnhorst, that said the HE stock grind seemed particularly painful.