Britain Naval Tree - What’s left to be added for all BRs

this is ijn yamashiro btw

well barham could have had a biplane on the turret but they chose a different refit

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Got myself a new book


imma order it looks good

uss texas could to alot of old dread noughts

well there was a period of time where float planes were added and then coming to the end of the war some started to get romoved for more AA and i have not looked into the exact versions of every ships we have and its refit as some may be from affter they had the planes removed

yeah makes sense as these are fighters not a scout plane but i really wanna see a sopwith camel or pup in some way or form in game as i could easily dominate any reserve aircraft in one

well some british boats had swordfish’s on them and i dont see a reason for them to not have torps but they would have been for scouting so mabye not

naval would be good historcal testing ground for there feasibility in game

yeah but most commonn the brititsh had sopwith pups if remeber right which was a spectatcular fighte

well i wanted to play this but its br is kinda to low as most maps dont have a cruiser spawn at its br

yea you have to spawn with battleships which is pain i feel bad for the non helena cruisers that spawn like that

well i feel it should be made into a minelayer as that is literaly what it is

so a costal boat spawn you mean as therer is no minelayer spawn i really only went down britain costal to the liscomb and brant ford as there funny fishing boats

well it has the exact same armor and armerment as the destroyers a 4.0/4.3 but it is a light cruiser

i mostly main german naval so im no expert when it comes to that but this update spread on the guns seem to have increased on dreadnought s

yeah sounds fine if they gave it a destroyer spawn

well you cant spawn it 90% of the time as you get down tiers most games at that br and so there are no cruiser spawns

ahh i see

it may have to be one of those things i wont spade till everything else is spaded along with the 12 inch BB’s of britian as they would not be fun to play