Britain cannot build tanks

2 matches - 6 shots - ALL NON PENETRATION with Conqueror

cost me 7000 silver in repairs for nothing

you say get good - are you the best player in the world?

As I type this in similar topics pop that have nothing to do with what I am saying and i get censored because this thread already exists.

to the people wiping posts you bloody well know the same problems keep popping up over and over so you make it look like everything is fun and keep living the lie

try doing something about what people are saying

Sir, I think you should chill down a bit, and change the name of the topic.

If you don’t, You will get tons of ‘git gud’ and ‘wdym British created term of TANK’ replies.


I mean he’s not wrong we literally cant build tanks anymore all the factories shut down in the early 2000s




I’m gonna say this just like the middle Gen Z(the ones after 2009). Get Gud.
If you’re struggling that is completely your fault for blindly over-extending.

Tbh the problem they’re having is morw how gaujins handled apds pen and damage and less le brit tonk

Just playing that tank before had no issue with pen.

Upgrade …yes …Build new …No

You mean Gaijin cant…

Conqueror, heavies and MBTs in general from Britain got one of the most troll armor in-game, at least from experience.

Telford would like a word :)


anyone else see the smoke launchers as little T-Rex arms for the tank and hear rawr in a funny voice looking at this pic? or is it just me lol



I didn’t before, BUT NOW I DO!

Never going to be able to unsee that🤣

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Its German, just like the whole of UKs car industry

Gajin personally fk’d British sabots. Skill isn’t the only issue.


Build a tank. Not add a 4th new turret onto the same hull.
Let that poor Cr1 bolts rest.


Woah woah woah, slander the tanks all you want (other than CR.1 my beloved) but leave our cars out of it.

Vauxhall?? Land Rover?? Mclaren?? Jaguar?? Rolls Royce?? Aston Martin?? Lotus??

These are just the ones without German parent companies.

(I will admit we cannot seem to build any car affordable to the average person (other than a Corsa) but that’s not the point)

Hey only 3% of them at max can still be there ))