Britain Air Tree - What's left to be added for all BRs

Originally yes, it was a premium due to its lack of guns. The FAW.2 at least got Red Top while the FAW.1 is stuck with Firestreak, so that’s an even harder sell. However Sea Vixen XF828 was armed with four ADEN guns before the concept was ditched and replaced with the internal rocket tray. I’m ok with a little historical “leeway” to get a tech tree Vixen by putting the guns on the Firestreak armed FAW.1



Guns on a sea vixen would be really good imo, i loved playing it when i had it on test drive

Although i kinda want some more unique jets rather than premiums being made in TT aircraft, something like the T.545 would be a fan favourite of mine


Speaking of Lightnings, I would love to see a Sea Lightning FAW.1 or even the F.7. Its a shame those proposed variants never got anywhere

Proposed design



T.545 is my biggest want, even over the Gnat.


Such as?

Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation (CAC) time!

  • CAC CA-18 Mk 21, 22 and 23
    License productions in Australia of the P-51D, the Mk 21 and Mk 22 used the American-built Packard V-1650-3 or V-1650-7 engine and the Mk 23 was powered by a Rolls-Royce Merlin 66 or Merlin 70 engine.

  • CAC CA-27 Avon Sabre Mk 30 and 32
    Australian variant of the F-86F Sabre, redesigned and built by the CAC. The Mk 30 was powered by a license-built Rolls-Royce Avon RA.20 turbojet engine, while the Mk 32 had a license-built Rolls-Royce Avon RA.26 turbojet engine. Both variants of the Avon Sabre were armed with two 30mm ADEN cannons instead of the six 12.7mm machine guns found in the F-86F.
    Additionally the Mk 30 had leading edge slats, which were further extended for the Mk 32 variant. Last, but not least, the Mk 32 had underwing pylons allowing for the installation of AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles in addition to the usual four hardpoints for bombs, rockets and/or fuel tanks.

  • CAC CA-30 Macchi MB-326H
    MB-326Gs built by the CAC and Hawker Aircraft, equipped with improved avionics and designated as CA-30s

Somewhat of a selfplug but the P.1154 superosnic harrier would be a fun add got really far along development wise before the 1965 defence white paper nailed it


Hell yeah, Harrier with afterburner!

I didn’t realise it had started any significant construction, but if it fits Gaijin’s rule then GIMME…

Engine development was well under way and the wings and fuselage had started construction

In that case, I’d like it, given it would only have red-tops it could be 9.7 ish? Although then you are faced with the lack of flares on a hot engine, with all aspect missiles.

Yeah its a bit of a lightning but with more missiles and vtol

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Could it potentially make use of that countermeasure pod the Harrier GR.1 had the option of mounting?

I’d have to do some more research on proposed loadouts

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These things are tricky to find. Particularly when they haven’t been scanned in digitally.

This is kind of true. The Mk 30 had automatic slats similar to the F-86A in game while the Mk 32 had an extended leading edge but no slats, similar to the F-86F. Besides the Sidewinder pylons the Mk 32 also had one additional station for rockets, used when carrying drop tanks or bombs on the outboard stations.


It’s kinda hard to explain, but pretend the drop tank in this photo you see on the left was on the outer pylon on the right. The innermost rocket station (seen next to the Sidewinder) is exclusive to the Mk.32 and lets it carry the previous full load of 24 RP-3s or 16 HVAR/T10s that the Mk.30/31 had while also having outboard stores. Alternatively it could carry all five rocket rails, but the innermost and outermost rockets would go off at the same time.

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Sea Fury Mk X would be great to see in-game, as a British equivalent to the US F8F-1B (Or F8F-2/F4U-5 if they ever get added)


Thanks for chiming in mate. I admire your knowledge on this stuff!

It’s not that big a deal, anyone can get the Mk.31/32 manual online

I couldn’t be bothered to read that stuff, so I still appreciate guys like you, terikg and gunjob being around