Britain Air Tree - What's left to be added for all BRs

This was mentioned.

He said something along the lines of ‘These aircraft were added a long time ago when the criteria for additions was different, we have plans to remove them when suitable replacements can be found, their existence in-game does not mean we will introduce more like them’.

Well you can go ask smin if you want but his answer probably isn’t gonna change

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I would be furious if something like the Ho 229 was removed

I really don’t understand what’s so bad about prototypes and interesting incomplete projects being in the game

The realistic answer would be to wait until ASRAAMs are added and add it then as an event with the 4 skyflashes and 2 ASRAAMs under the wingtips.

The weaponry could be replaced its not even a problem, plus skyflash’s aren’t game-breaking, ASRAAM’s can be put onto the same missile rails as AIM-9L or AIM-9M.

His point is that the weapons weren’t functional (because British engineers are not so stupid as to strap live ordinance to a test bed), and because of this, they cannot be counted as armament. For countermeasures, BAE bought SAAB and therefore BOL rails would be applicable because they can be fitted to AIM-9 missile rails.

For radar, RWR and others, it would be the same as on the Tornado because its predecessor the P.110 was supposed to use these and the EAP was developed directly from this. I was able to prove that. Smin then argued they were different aircraft however, but the F-5C flares argument made that void.

At the end of the day I had pretty much everything, but definitive proof they studied arming the airframe, and because of this Smin said no. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do about that, but if you would like to see the proposal in full, see my post below.

I’m still exceptionally proud of the post because it is the largest collection of publicly available data about the EAP, but unfortunately, Gaijin weren’t willing to budge.


I know smin is just the messenger in most situations, but to me he’s a real party pooper

I wish we could convince the devs to add stuff like the EAP, but there seems to be no good way to communicate our desires to them

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I think he’s a master at being impartial, I think he is also often the bearer of bad news and the lack of emotion makes it seem that he is against us. I don’t know if that’s truly the case for him personally but for Gaijin I have no doubt that there is some sort of discontempt for Britain.

I think he also picks and chooses which sections of a question to answer, sometimes I reckon that’s an indication that he agrees with the point but is unable to contradict company policy to voice this. Who knows but I think he also receives a lot of flak as the company ‘mouthpiece’.

As do I, I’m confident in an open-dialogue scenario I could convince them that the EAP is worth adding, even from a financial perspective because right now, there is absolutely zero incentive to play the British tree, the money spent on modelling the vehicles is essentially wasted as no-one who does more than 3 minutes of research, would buy a UK premium.


Oh and to add on, if the EAP was an event vehicle, you cannot imagine the shit-storm, every single Brit main i’ve ever met, has always wanted the EAP since I made my first posts about it on reddit half a year ago.

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So you can guarantee that it wouldnt be on the British TT even though it was BAE right? and you’d never get one for all 3 Typhoon nations, so 2 would always be mad

Well, as it stands we have pretty much a guarantee to never ever see the EAP ingame

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Yep, I just hope they dont drag their feet for all eternity on the Typhoon Prototypes

It would be a massive step for them to even consider adding it, if they were going to go that far, I think it would be Tech Tree. They’d have to stop hating Britain to bend that rule basically, especially given they weren’t willing to use the F-14K. But it’s UK financed, so if they did budge, it would definitely be in the British TT even if it was an event.

I feel strongly about this so excuse the paragraph but I promise you it’s factual and rational. The other two Typhoon nations have no claim to it whatsoever, France could have a better claim.

Firstly they both have top tier fighters in the F-16 and Mig-29G. Secondly both said they would finance it, and then pulled out, so the company and the UK MoD were the sole investors, Germany gave us an indication about the ventral intake to increase air flow but the UK developed it, Germany was also meant to build the rear section and were offered their own prototype, they didn’t build the rear section, they didn’t finance construction, they didn’t even publicly support it because they wanted to appear impartial because France was also developing their Rafale A demonstrator and they weren’t sure which would be better.

BAe went it alone, which is why it also makes me annoyed when people say the EF is German (no.1 its a consortium, no.2 the aircraft is predominantly based off the EAP). The tail we had to recycle from the Tornado, as well as the engines, fly-by-wire from the Jag, HUD from the F-16 cockpit BAe designed for the US.

They didn’t help with it, they didn’t support it openly, they don’t have a claim.


You can scrap the Idea of Gaijin adding any cold war jet bombers with the wing span of a Boeing 737 lol 😆 their just going to be missile food

This list is not necessarily a

“We want this next update” list this is a list of aircraft that could be added. Some are less feesible than other, but aircraft like the Nimrod carried ASRAAM and even Vulcan had Aim-9s. But that’s kinda not the point. Even if they were perticularly vulnerable aircraft, they’d still be incredible aircraft to have in game.

I don’t care if they suck, I want them ingame anyways and I am going to use them all day if they ever get added

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Every single British player probably would be in nothing but a Vulcan. Probably the main reason they dont add them, because it would be like the Ju-288C spam but at 8.7-9.3 ish bracket

I don’t think it would be nearly as bad if the V-Bombers aren’t premiums. If there was gonna be a premium V-Bomber I could totally see that happening tho

I can see it happening regardless of whether its premium or not. Just half a dozen Vulcans on the British team side, every match, without fail :P

Yea, but current meta in top tier would make it impossible to bomb targets. Plus, Gaijin got rid of air spawns in top tier

Only for Strike aircraft and jet bombers. I could see aircraft like the Vulcan, B52, etc coming as a new class, like “Strategic bombers” and getting air spawn. If given a suffecient alt advantage at a not too high of a BR (Absolutely max 9.3, but I reckon more like 8.3-8.7_) so few with the climb rate needed for an immediate intercept and a re-work of bombing targets/new targets better suited for that kind of aircraft (already needed for relatively low bomb capacity aircraft like the Tornado and Buc not too mention aircraft like the F-111) and they’d find a place. And that is only looking at ARB. Though the only time an addition should be considered with wise of “balance” or “meta” is top tier. anything below should just be added for fun. If we start disregarding certain additions because they may not be “good” then Britain wouldnt have had a single addition in the past few years.