Britain Air Forces

It can’t use sparrows, the radar on the C is incompatible, there’s loose evidence so suggest the radar on the A could use sparrows. The issue is that the Gripen is like Harrier Gr.7 level with just 9M’s.

I got the J35XS last sale mostly in anticipation of Gripen.

Tell you what, I’d be just as happy with F/A-18. Though that might be my bias speaking :D

Carrier-based aircraft are tight!



I can’t see them giving Sweden anything else tbh.

When exactly did smin say that, and what was the context?

I’ve seen a comment from him that seemed to imply that Fox3s are not coming in December, but then I also don’t know what else they can give the UK. The Seaharrier FA.2 adds nothing if it doesn’t have AMRAAMs.

It vague as always so hard to tell

I think he was more clarifying that if ARH are added. Then not everything would get them at the same time. Some nations may not get ARH straight away.

I reckon any denial of native options at the moment would be that if he confirmed Britain was getting a native option, after denying anything CAS, then FA2 and AMRAAM would have essentially been confirmed.

Until we get Dev posts, we just don’t know

smin said this in response to Morvran’s complaint about Britain’s native aircraft being denied yesterday. Again I don’t want to read too much into it, but the idea that there are no direct options for where the game is currently provided AMRAAM was added would be false, because we would have the Sea Harrier and Tornado as already mentioned. If AMRAAM is not added this patch, the new top tier is basically guaranteed to be a Commonwealth plane.

9Ms would make Gripen C competitive until ARHs come, so I think people would be fine if that’s the case.

But no SARHs rather the f/a18 cause it would have sparrows


Yeah I second this. Having the option for the longer range Sparrow is important


It’s fairly common people not even bringing 7Ms on the F-16C. Seeing how they aren’t so effective with everyone flying low it’s probably not going to be a big issue on the end of the day.

I can’t lie I don’t think the Gripen with just 9M’s would be worthy of anything higher than 12.0. Unless they model the airframe very accurately in-game, it will be near enough impossible to defeat something equivalent like the Netz.

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Its always nice to have that extra range

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quick question, but didn’t the south african gripens used to use regular skyflashes until they started developing their own missile program?

I mean, it’s all a preference and play style thing.

No they were gripen C they can’t use SARHs

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I refer you to F-16C where the meta loadout is 6x 9Ms omitting AIM-7s entirely for lower mass.

Unless they switched the radar to an older one its not possible with the PS-05/A MK.3 on the Gripen C’s the SAAF use.

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Yes but the F-16C is arguably a better airframe with a higher T/W and flight performance, now you can make the argument that the close-coupled canards and low drag coef should bring them up to par like comparing a J7E with an MLD, but I have yet to see Gaijin model fully functioning canards.

SAAF used irst and A darter which are advanced ir missiles
These aren’t gonna be in game for awhile

Yes but I mean that the Gripen C radar is non-compatible with SARH’s unless they use datalink.

Edit: I see what you meant now.

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