Britain Air Forces

I’m on a warpath to test PGMs with T-POD cause I found out that people are locking from beyond 20km T-Pod range limit for TV/IR munitions utilizing the T-Pod, and I find that interesting.
So I want to see if I can do that with T-POD.

However, the in-match render range issues needs work for it to be functional outside test drives if it functions there.

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I could make do with TIALD, the problem is in testing I consistently locked targets with TIALD and then had to get way closer to lock with the PGM’s awful TV seeker. This is only going to get worse with all the bad weather games in RB right now. I understand not giving the PGM its datalink and LOAL for standoff capability, but having the infrared seeker version more akin to the AGM-65D would make them more useful. At this point the LGBs are basically more useful

I have found, that even when using CCRP to target a base (which can be done cross map in SB) it wont let you even fire the PGMs until you are within a certain range. In theory they have a max range of about 20kms ( I think)

That was a while ago though, so things might have changed

Yep, even using them like a Pseudo Cruise missile in SB is simply not worth it. Would be great if they could be reliably fired at their max range. But its usually half that range before it will even let you fire (and thats providing it doesnt randomly blow you out of the sky, had that happen more than once, no idea what happened)

I jsut stick with LGBs and lofting to attack targets in SB, rather than using PGMs.

That is also not even mentioning how often they miss something like a Destroyer if used as a Pseudo ASM

I just want them to upgrade to TIALD 500. Litening II pods are Gen 2. TIALD 400 we have right now is Gen 1. TIALD 500 is Gen 1.5. So will be slightly worse, but closer.

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They certainly did operate the standard versions. They were all in service before the de-chirped version existed. And the GR.7 did use AIM-9Ms.

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Owing to SuperTEMP looking essentially identical (unless you are stood right next to it) this is very hard to prove. Wikipedia claims the SuperTEMP wasn’t exported to Italy, but doesn’t cite any sources IIRC.

They did indeed have BOL rails:


@SuTa_basuto I have analysed from your friend, if british fighter aircraft toptier from Indian Air Force

I guess maybe MiG-29UPG (9.20) or Sukhoi Su-30MKI Flanker-H

Or new fighter aircraft toptier for british tech tree this year, So I guess it might be fighter from canadian or royal air force or royal navy

If we get a flaker it would be the T90 x1000
Ill love the chaos

I’d rather a decent commonwealth vehicle rather than another rubbish Harrier/Tornado.

Typhoon will probably come after F-22 at this rate. I don’t even want to think about how much they will gimp it. I thought we would be safe because Germany is one of the favoured nations, but they were happy to make the Tornado trash for Germany too, so the Eurofighter isn’t safe.


2026 update “Next Gen” is released with the F22, F25, SU-57 and J20 the art they produce is 3 aircraft. the F22 the SU57 and a Trache 1 Eurofigher being the first eurofighter in game


Some very quick research on my part suggest an unfinished prototype so is it just paper values that are needed for such aircraft to be implemented?

Well, I stand corrected. Good to know

I don’t know what Gaijin’s process for implementing aircraft is like, but they aren’t interested in design projects, even if there were specs laid out

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Nice Tornado ADV picture.

I don’t hate Russian vehicles. I hate how biased the game is in favour of Russia whilst the UK tree gets neglected.

I haven’t complained in the R&R once? Someone started whining about the F-16 being OP, so I replied to them.

You’re literally the only person here not on topic. How about you follow what you preach.

Welp. FA.2 and CSP is looking very likely

I remember seeing that to be proven to be a user model in RR&D.

I’d need to find that again.

I’m not convinced that’s real

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We’ll just have to wait until next week to find out

Highly likely it’s fake as those are AIM120C on the wings going by the shape of the fins