Britain Air Forces

100G!?!??! That has to be a mistake

In some ways better than Foxhunter, in others about the same

main advantage for the FA2 is that its designed for a single seater. Foxhunter always felt clunky to me as it was deisgned for a navigator to manually move about. FA2 would have better search modes. Blue vixen is often compared to much heavier radars like APG-73 on teh F-15

Gripen C’s radar is based upon the Blue Vixen I beleive. So if Sweden does get Gripen C, then Blue Vixen would be an easy addition and the only thing not currently in game for the FA2 (besides AMRAAM)


I meant compared to APG-65 on Hornet
But didn’t know that Gripen’s radar was based on that one

Its apparently closer to the APG-73 found on the F-15. It was one of the best radars of its era

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Well it’s the value the maker of the missile communicated iirc.
But to be honest the R-73 with TVC we’ve got in game is 60G.
So while it’s a big upgrade over the missile we’ve got in game, it’s shortish range is going to limit it a lot. Especialy since if you do a 100G turn, you’re going to bleed a lot of energy.
It’s really a dogfigth missile.

I took the data from my thread about fox 2 missiles

From the Sea harrier Thread


Its apparently closer to the APG-73 found on the F-15. It was one of the best radars of its era

It is a damn shame Sea Harrier didn’t get upgraded wing or at least LERX like second gen Harriers.
I always thought of Sea Harriers as “Gen 1.5” Harrier. It’ll still turn poorly

it is ahead of APG-65, more comparable to the (heavier, larger) APG-73. While Blue Vixen was initially required to track 12 targets, Ferranti aimed (and achieved) for an internal target of 28.



Yeah, perhaps. But the reason for that is because they directly upgraded the FRS1 Fleet to save money.

This is somewhat true. But does have the upgraded 105 engine, so better acceleration, should loose less energy in a turn and should be able to pull harder VIFFs. Im also hoping that the better engine temp management we have on the Gr7 is due to the engine and not the airframe. So taht would mean being able to sit at a higher throttle percentage for longer.

In addition to that, the Blue Vixen will allow for off-boresight, something we dont have any real option for in any other Gen 1. Even the FRS1 is really limited in that area. So whilst it might not turn quite as well. I’d still be wary of attacking it in WVR


Med PRF radar means true all aspect capability which is already a great plus
Number of tracked targets is… Insane, to put it mildly.

On the topic of Pegasus
How comparable is it to RR-408 found in the Plus?

I have no idea about the Plus, but it is the exact same engine in the Gr7. But yeah, the FA2 would be a very strong in a BVR. There is a reason why standard tactics in the FA2 was to sit at 30k ft and loft AMRAAMs.

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The 11-21 was developed for the second generation Harriers, the USMC AV-8B Harrier II and the BAE Harrier IIs. The original model provided an extra 450 lbf (2.0 kN). The RAF Harriers entered service with the 11-21 Mk.105, the AV-8Bs with F402-RR-406. Depending on time constraints and water injection, between 14,450 lbf (64.3 kN) (max. continuous at 91% RPM) and 21,550 lbf (95.9 kN) (15 s wet at 107% RPM) of lift is available at sea level (including splay loss at 90°).[13] The Mk.106 development was produced for the Sea Harrier FA2 upgrade and generates 21,750 lbf (96.7 kN).

From wiki, but I think same engine, different name

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Hmmm, alright
Not much to do but wait and see

Yeah… The question is ARH or no ARH.

Only option left with any kind of BVR with no ARH is the F-18. Every other option would either be IR only or require AMRAAM.

APG-73 is found on the F/A-18C/D not the F-15.
F-15A/B used the APG-63
F-15C/D used the APG-70
While the APG-70 used modules common with the APG-73 it also had commonality with the APG-71 on the F-14D.

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Ah, my bad

So yea the only option now would be the F/A-18

I still think a ahistorical SAAF Gripen is more likely

I know deep down it will be the Gripen

But they could give us both right? Like when USA got 2 F16s at the same time

Yeah. If the UK gets a Hornet it’s going to have to come from the USA. Then the Germans and Swedish will complain. I’m betting on the Gripen.

If both the Gripen and Hornet come then both Britain and Sweden would get them.
ZA and Sweden for the Gripen
CA/AU and Norway for the Hornet

They got a ground attack version and a ADV version. They could’ve just given the F-15 and it would’ve completed the square inlet trio with the MiG and Tonka when they came out

