Britain Air Forces

That would mean the technical capability
Probably 9L then
Even though SAAF never had 9L (I think)

So it’s really Canada, Australia and India then are the choices we have left

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I think the assumption is that Gripen C = Gripen C.

So doesnt matter that SAAF never used 9L/Ms, etc or ever equipped the Gripen C with BVRs. The Swedish Gripen C would have Aim-9Li and Aim-120Bs and therefore so would the SAAF one.

Though I do think this is as good a reason as any that Gripen C not come to Britian. F-18 or FA2 remain far more likely options (not too mention that Gripen C with AMRAAM would be quite strong, especially if AMRAAM didnt come to F-16C ,etc)

I dont think we have enough presedance for India Yet. we have 1x SQV. and that would be really messy.

Going from Aim-9 and SKyflash to R-60/73s and R-27ERs

And a premium with a TT vehicles the Vickers mk.1

Forgot about that one, But no aircraft yet. and I just dont think its needed

So we got three Indian vehicles in total

Well Canada and Australia only works if we have the Hornet but part from that India or maybe Jordon is our only hope.

No just the two. Vijayanta and Bishma

Basically, we are banking for the F-18 coming this update.

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The Vickers Mk.1 hasn’t got the Indian flag but India is the only one who used the MK.1

Sea Harrier FA2 is still an option for a native aircraft. Especially if Fox 3 only comes to a select few airframes.

But after that, probably F-18, though that would still mean US would have F-18 and the F-18 would likely not have AMRAAM. F-18 though is basically the only option if we are left with SARH

Yeah but the VM1 was made by Vickers as an export tank. It was in service with India as the Vijayanta.

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The premium one has it tho.

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But the SH without AMRAAMS would just be like the normal harriers though so I doubt

ARH = SHar FA2
No ARH = F-18

I dont think there is any other options that would make sense, at least not without being really really messy

Plus the radar on SHar FA.2 should be better?

It still would have a better RWR, Radar and engine. Great in sim. Not really anywhere else. Unless we get high tier ships. That Sea Eagle won’t be useful otherwise.

The A-Darter is closer to a Python 5/IRIS-T/AIM-9X than to the Python 4.
It’s a 100G missile with TVC and 50G without.
From what i read online it has a turning radius close to the IRIS-T/AIM-9X which means it can do a 180° turn in 2/3 seconds.
It has a dual band imaging infrared seeker so a lot more flare resistant than the Python 4. (Again similar in capability with the IRIS-T/9X)
It has a short range for a modern missile tho. Only 22Km max range (compared to 18km for an AIM-9L, 25km for the IRIS-T, 25-30km for the AIM-9X, 50km for the ASRAAM, 30km for the PYTHON 4, 40km for the PYTHON 5).


Good god…
The more you know.