Britain Air Forces

If US gets F-18, then my guess is UK will get F-18

If US gets F-15 and not F-18, UK will not get F-18

If No ARH and No F-18, but Sweden gets IR Only gripen, then I’d guess IR only gripen for Britain as well

if ARH, then I’d guess Sea Harrier FA2

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At this point I feel like he is teasing us

They could give us the Saudi F-15 but I think it’s just going to be USA, Japan, and Israel for now

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That is too tenuous

Singapore cough

The USA doesn’t need a Hornet from either Canada or Australia. It doesn’t need a genius to figure that out.

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I always forget about Singapore

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I would rather the F/A18 due to it not taking something with a minor nation with a loadout it never had

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USA didnt need the Australian M1A1 AIM to get the M1A1 AIM.


See I just read that as ‘its not going to the UK TT just because it’s operated by Can/Aus’

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Yep same here. Plus it would have Aim-7M at least

Yea but the option is open still

The M1A1 AIM isn’t even the Aussie version. It’s just the American export version like how we were talking about the Vickers Mk.1 earlier.

Yeah they would be the same plane but with a light and false canopy for cf18 and a bit lighter for the aussie one

Yep, change the flag, done.

Oh I’d love to be wrong, but the constant neglect of the UK TT has taken any hope I had


ASRAAM for when the Rhino comes
From Australia I mean

I’d be so mad if they gave the CF-18/188 to the US.

I’d at least have the CAN ADATS to run it with in the UK. I’d just be missing a Leopard and LAV.


A fully Canadian tree is viable I’ve seen. And it would still be less C&P than china


Now thats the hard part as that even less likely then what we are already hoping for

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