Britain 9.3 in the new update

Last time I used the Conqueror my shot went straight through an R3 without significant damage, no idea how anyone is expected to play these big guns if their damage is so atrocious but you still get a 20s reload.

Idk what changes they made in the last few BR changes but when I was thinking about getting into high tier ASB the balance was so bad I just stopped caring immediately.

Unronically if you want to enjoy the Conqueror you have to memorize the ammo racks of the 50-100 different tanks it regularly meets in battle.

The Conqueror just just get APFSDS spalling on its APDS and a reload buff then move to 8.0.

Hunters got screwed over in the last BR change (French hunter F6 is 0.7 lower than the RAF F6 or FGA9)

10.7 and below is fine for the most part though. So things like the Jags, Bucs, and FRS1e. Even the Javelin and Sea Vixen is very good in Sim

Tornado F3 is well placed at 12.0 and very strong in the downtier bracket. Same for the FA2 (though very unfinished)

F3 Late is pretty pointless at the moment though.

The issue is that they just dropped the Mig-23MLD down to 11.3. So it shares a BR with the Phatnoms and the FRS1 (SQV) so neither are really playable and the Tornado Gr1 now infact has a higher BR than the Mig-23MLD, so you are still trying to just evade a wall of Mig-23MLDs without really any fighters on your team (the best bluefor counter for the Mig-23MLD is maybe the FGR2, or you have to just hope you have a load french of Mirage F1s). Better to play it at 12.0 just because you actually have fighters.

The Sim BR brackets are just terrible as a whole. Some vehicles dominate and others are useless but having no dynamic matchmaker will always give you pointless stats to judge a vehicles performance. I don’t know why Sim can’t just get an AB or RB type matchmaker but the current BRs make no sense and they are terrible in GSB battles too.

Hell no. Sim Brackets are 100x better than random RNG.

At least I know, without fail, that if I play a Tornado F3 at 12.0 in the 11.0 - 12.0 bracket. I will be facing 11.0-12.0 aircraft and there to not be a random (but quite likely) chance that instead I will only be fighting F-16s, Mig-29s or Su-27s at 13.0.

There are just a few at the wrong BR and they really need to reinforce bluefors 11.0-11.3 line-up at some point with some slightly better fighters, Not sure what though.

Top tier for Redfor side also needs buffing but thats just a tech issue more than anything else and im sure that’ll be fixed by next major update or december update

Sims MM is decent because it theoretically allows all planes to be good at some point, and it removes the perma-uptier that is common in RB. If anything, RB should use Sim brackets.

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Might be good for 12.0 but for 11.0 it will be an uptier 100% of the time.

Using Sim BRs will be a perma uptier for some and a perma downtier for others. If you put 5.7-6.7 into a fixed BR bracket no one will play 5.7 anymore. You always have to play the highest tier tanks that you’re allowed to pick making matches even more boring than they are now. Imagine a whole team of T34 vs Tiger 2H every game for a week and when the brackets change you get M4A3E2 vs Tiger 1H until it changes back.

Only for that one bracket. 48 hours later, it changes and now the F3 is facing AMRAAM slingers and instead there is a Bracket where 11.0 is facing 10.0-11.0 100% of the time. Thats the beauty of the system, 1 rotation Tornado F3 is very good, the next the Sea harrier FRS1 (if it was at the right BR) would be very good, the next maybe its something else

Yes that’s the point. This system tells you when to play an aircraft and you can only play the aircraft of your choice every 2 days.

Sitll prefer every vehicle being viable, than only the few that can cope with being in a full uptier.

That’s better than being uptiered 100% of the time. Plus, there’s nothing saying that you can’t take out a plane that will be fully uptiered.

ok after having played a bit of 9.3 britain after the update, i can tell you the goods and the goods and the bads. the goods, you dont see leopard 2a4’s, t80b’s, abrams anymore which is great. the olifant 2 also works great with the chieftain at the br. thats about it for the goods. the BADS are what we got in exchange for losing a few of those mbts in the br range. what ive noticed is that russias best 10.3 lineup is in literally every game ive played. i have never once begged so hard to have a stinger or literally any missile spaa before. russias su25k is in every single game and there isnt a single spaa you can use to shoot it down. additionally, you are also in the br range of the 2s38 and bmp2m which as 9.3 britain is now, is certainly HOPELESS for you. if you play aircraft in britain 9.3 you get to meet the strela [so fun]. i dont have many complaints about the other nations as i find them balanced now against 9.3 britain believe it or not but being in the range of 10.3 russia is asking to be sent to premium hell. the most common premiums you will see at this battle rating are unsurprisingly the 2s38 and su25k. 2/3 of my games are uptiers into 10.3 and due to this i can confidentally say, that the premium blackhole at 10.0 was NOT fixed. but if you ignore the fact that you are totally defenseless against jet aircraft due to not having a normal spaa until 10.0 and the fact that you will constantly be fighting premiums at 10.3, you can actually quite enjoy the lineup because its pretty decent

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I would have been fine with the Chieftain Mk 10 going to 9.3 if they:

  • Removed L15A3 and replaced it with L15A5.
  • Removed the fake L23 and replaced it with L23A1.
  • Added a new rank IV modification that turns it into a Mk 11 with TOGS. Should be fairly simple, the only model change is replacing the IR light with the TOGS box.
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the conqueror will only deal damage when you hit a solid piece of armor and no spaced armor, you can see this effect on the is3 at 7.3. go in hangar and shoot at the front plate then shoot one of the two tracks on the front plate of the is3 which essentially act as spaced armor. you can see theres a significant difference in damage and penetration when you hit a solid piece of armor vs a spaced armor piece. the conqueror will actually deal a pretty decent amount of damage if you 1) dont overpen 2) dont hit any spaced armor at all

if you keep these two rules in mind while shooting the conqueror gun, you’ll be able to use it a lot better


They are going to end up facing 10.3 soviet premium line up quite often.

this was what i noticed immediately after playing lmfao, if we ignore the premium blackhole at 10.3. the british lineup at 9.3 is pretty good

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I’ve found British 9.3 to be pretty underwhelming, to be honest.

The Oliphant Mk 2 was a bit of a surprise. I was expecting something like the Strv 105, a vehicle utterly held back by the Centurion chassis. But the combo of DM63 and high quality thermals, as well as armor that can sometimes work, comes together to make something not half bad.

It does have it’s drawbacks though. That utter lack of mobility, when everyone else is running laps around you, really hurts. The armor, while trolly, it nowhere near as consistent as the Chieftain Mk 10. You have a hidously weak turret ring, and most contemporary rounds can get through the strongest parts at closer ranges. And that lighthouse of a commander sight makes it almost impossible to hide behind hills. You’re just a big, slow box without the armor to consistently back it up. It can do well when it gets to snipe, but that’s rarer and rarer these days.

The VFM5 is just mediocre. The only standout feature of the vehicle is the mobility, which is good, but not outstanding. It’s at the tier where some of the most common vehicles you’ll be fighting can almost match your speed, while having other advantages. You also get DM33, which isn’t a bad round by any means, but again, nothing particularly special.

The first real con is the armor. You have none. .50 cals can pen you at closer ranges. Autocannons, which are very common at the tier, rip through you at any angle, any range. You’re tall, but not nearly as spacious as some of the wheeled light tanks that give them a bit of survivability by spreading the critical modules/crew around. You have no thermals, and that really starts to chaff in uptiers when every non-Russian MBT has them. You have a huge blindspot over the rear, which hurts this kind of light flanking vehicle more than you might expect.

Then there’s the recently up-BR’d Rooikat MTTD, which is better, but not quite enough to save it. You get thermals, and an autoloader just slow enough to not be that useful. You’ll outreload people, but only barely, and not fast enough to take out multiple surprised enemies at once like the French can. Other than that it’s standard wheeled light tank stuff. Only other minor negative is the complete lack of a machine gun or smoke grenades, which is occasionally annoying. DM33 is a pretty nice bonus though.

And that’s about it, which is honestly the biggest problem with it. Most other nations that have a 9.3 lineup have a ton of options, Germany and Italy in particular. You don’t even have good backups, since the only other tech tree vehicle you can bring is the Chieftain Mk 10, which really doesn’t handle uptiers well due to it’s lacking mobility and reliance on armor. There’s also the Khalid if you’re willing to pay for it, which is a faster Mk 10 without the Stillbrew package, which seems kinda mid.

Frankly, the biggest mark against them in my book, no useful SPAAs. CAS starts getting seriously dominant around the tier, between CCIP on Alpha Jets and Saab 105s, A-4Es, ATGM helicopters and the godforsaken uptiers into Su-25s. And all you have to bring against them is two Gepard analogues and a pseudo-IFV with no RADAR. That doesn’t really cut it. Some kind of early SAM, like the Tracked Rapier, is borderline nessesary to give this lineup some way to fight back against CAS.

So that’s what we get. A non-flexible MBT, a decent wheeled LT, and a kinda poor light tank. Nothing that excels in the constant brawling maps, no AA to contest the skies, and very little longevity in the game.


I see what you mean, however there are some points i disagree with.

While the olifant doesnt have any good armor, the same can be said for the majority of tanks at the rating. The lighthouse of a commander sight you describe i find as a huge advantage because it has good thermals. its very easy to just sit below behind cover and scan people hidden by forest or difficult terrain. Ive found that on rural maps this is incredibly easy to abuse and spot people before they see you. While the speed might not compete with other tanks, it still certainly is enough to get to a decent position in time. Also there is one more point id like to make about the olifant and that is it has a decent acceleration on reverse (22km/h) which is more helpful than you think.

I dont have much to say about the vfm5, the fact that they wanted to uptier it to 9.7 is ludicrous. The rooikat functions as the average wheeled light tank.

The biggest crutch at this br is the chieftain 10, the new br decompression moved a lot of tanks that could penetrate its turret past its uptier range. From the top of my head at 9.3-10.3 the only common tanks that can penetrate a hull down chieftain are: ztz’s with 1985 apfsds, 2s25, 120s, t64b, t80ud. The chieftain really only excels at one thing which is defense, this thing is the tank, that in a hull down position, can hold an enemy push and kill several enemies. I have 2.6 kdr 59% wr 400+ kills in this tank and it is just excellent at defense and shouldnt be downplayed just because its slow.

Also, the za35 is a must have at 9.3 due to the trend of “glass cannon” tanks that are everywhere at the br.

I do agree with the last point being that britain has no decent spaa against jet aircraft between 8.3 and 10.0, it is probably the biggest detriment at the br having to rely on teammates for spaa coverage.

Aside from the total lack of spaa, id say the only other drawback really for me is being in the range of 10.3 russia where you can see a su25k or the 2s38 but the entire br around 10.3 is infested with these things that either leave after one death on your team or throw everything have at you as soon as they spot you as an enemy

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