Britain 9.3 in the new update

with the new decompression update coming soon, britain 9.3 is finally getting good. the 9.3 ground lineup for britain will be the vfm5, mttd, chieftainmk10, olifant mk2 and the za35. 2 of which have dm33, and one of which have dm63 and leopards and t80s will no longer be seen at 9.3. and the cost of this was… britains 9.0 lineup lmao. how good will britain 9.3 be against other nations after the decompression?

Finally 9.3 will be playable again for all nations. The 10.3 spam meant not only would you face some 10.3s that absolutely stomp you but also even more 10.0s that are also much better than you.

Should have stayed a 9.0 tbh.


it is 9.0 Planned BR Changes — October 2024 - Google Drive

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just without a lineup now lol

They shouldn’t have moved the MTTD up, now the MK10 has become a foreveralone, just leave it at 9.0 and don’t give DM33, I mean did anybody asked lol

What the fuck Gaijin not screwing up british vehicles for once???

Now you have to use the Rooikat Mk1 that does no damage.

Did anyone ask for any of the changes that Gaijin introduced over the years?

I heard that they are going to f with Fox’s APDS lol British are not allowed to have fun

The Fox APDS was the only one that worked as it should. Pretty pathetic to see the Conq APDS do less damage than an autocannon.


Yes, especially a hit to the side of armor often generates as little as a machinegun/9mm pistol’s spall, so I rather face the enemies from the front knowing it’s post-pen is more reliable from such angle.

Or forced to use that awkward tall boi named Vk.11 without reverse speed

The Conq either oneshots a tanks by shooting center mass or does 0 damage. It’s so bad sometimes and the only tanks it can reliably oneshot are russian.

Idk why don’t change AP to something like this:

Can’t wait to grind another boring dead end line I don’t care about to have a light tank.

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One good thing about dead br I’ve noticed, you get more downtiers than uptier

Both my Rooikat 76 and mk.11 has negative KDR lol the Vk is almost always blown up by a hit to the turret, just like TAMs.

Yes the 10.3 black hole really sucks everything up. Can’t wait for the changes to go live so I can play 9.3 again.

No idea about the Mk11 but the Rooikats are very survivable. The MTTD with the giant ammo rack in the turret can tank a lot of damage. The Rooikat 76 has smaller ammo and 1 extra crew member so it might be even better. Best thing about it is probably no terrible HEAT stock grind like the MTTD.

Imo, the new 10.3 is going to be where i want to play. A lot of 11.3s are going up and the new 11.3 lineups look a lot worse. The brits only saw the challender mk2 go up, which was irrelevant since it went to 10.3 with all the other vehicles.

the conq apds functions like a glorified HE round without the HE, hitting any spaced armor reduces your chance of penetration to near 0 lmao. the damage it does is also far from optimal, you’d think the tungsten carbide core would deal a billion damage upon entering and shattering.

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well now 9.3 britain is pretty stacked dontcha say. now that theyve basically merged the 9.0 lineup into 9.3

Well… At least not that one.

CR2s are screwed. CR3 is still a sad shadow of a vehicle and they’ve totally shafted a lot of British aircraft in Sim with these changes.

Apparently the shell is brittle enough to shatter on a 5mm plate but stays perfectly in shape after penetration.

Sim balance doesn’t exist and Gaijin will never fix it. I don’t get how people still enjoy ASB.

Those are actually all pretty good tanks tbh. The Charioteer is quick, the FV4202 has good armor, the Vickers series are more mobile than their Centurion counterparts, and the VFM5 is a smooth operator.

Because it was, at least moderately balanced before the decompress and then Gaijin Over BRed many and has just proceeded to under BR those that werent over BRed whilst not touching those that are

I’m assuming it plays like the Avenger and the reverse got me to hate it even though everything else about it was good.

Isn’t it even less mobile than the Cent without the reverse gear?

These actually made me consider grinding the line but I chose to go for the South Africa line to get the MTTD for the 9.0 lineup and now they moved it to 9.3. If I knew these BR changes I probably would’ve gotten those.

No idea about this one. Seems to be pretty good but looks extremely ugly.