Britain 7.7

Is it me or this lineup is a joke? They all look perfectly fine on paper, actually they look strong, especially the Conqueror, but in practice they get bullied by tanks a whole br lower. Today I wasn’t able to destroy a T26e5 with the conqueror and then I got one tapped by an IS-3 from the front with a WW2 apcbc round…yeah I don’t know what to say…a tiger Ii won’t have problems in one tapping a Caernarvon from the front either…and even the Conqueror, and the less we talk about the Centurion the better. Wtf why are this things 7.7 br? Stabilizer? Seriously, a Tiger II is better in almost every way and it’s 6.7, an IS-3 is a god compared to a shitty centurion mk3. Am I missing something? They are all stock btw, but even spaded I don’t think it would change much since the Conqueror has just one type of solid shot

Look, no offense intended, but I think it’s you

In the lower glacis I assume? It’s basically the only place it could do so.

Turret? Impenetrable. UFP? Impenetrable.

Now, what can the Conq do against the IS-3?

Hmm would you look at that

I know APDS is inconsistent, I know I know. I wish it was modeled better, and APHE is insanely good especially the one on IS-3.

Despite all that the Conq is still a well armored heavy tank with good firepower thanks to it’s APDS and stabilizer, as well as decent mobility with a solid reverse speed.

I have almost spaded mine and it definitely gets better when you unlock the extra spaced armor, but the most important aspect here is how well you use your APDS. Yes, shot placement is important. Knowing what tanks and what kind of armor will eat your shell/send it to the void.

APDS is buggy and you gotta play around it so some extent. When you do, the results are great IMO.

I love the Conq


Bro, you only played the Conqueror 3 times lol…

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The UK as a nation in most battle ratings is meant to be played as a support, flanker and sniper. Your tanks will most of the times have non armour, but the 7.7 battle rating in my opinion is one of the best for UK and when it really starts to shine.
The Conqueror is an amazing sniper meant to be played with the hull down, your turret will save you on most engages if you stay hidden as its meant to be played, plus with with its “bad reload” I don’t think brawling or going head on with anyone is a good idea. The Centurions are amazing support tanks and the Fox is an amazing scout vehicle, perfect for flanks.

So overall, you kinda don’t want to be brawling or being in the frontline in most cases. Exceptions are always applied, hope this was helpful as a UK main.


lmfao you should try the soviet heavies at the same br if you think its bad for britain. Although yes, apds has been shafted

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I’ve found that the Cent Mk.3 (aka strv 81) is fairly decent. It’s more armoured than the Mk.10/Strv 101, but with a worse gun.

Centurions are slow, but they aren’t bad tanks.

To be fair. You are correct.

However I call bullshit on most of that Protection Analysis. Above 55 degrees there is a high chance of shitter and most of an IS3 is above that for the front, that said if the IS3 AND you are not moving there is a high(er) chance of no shitter.
Side Note: The fact that the Conq has a long reload means spade it then swap it with FV4202, or play as a long range sniper, instead of mid range.

That said… 7.7 Brit is solid besides the missing AA (FFS. 4.0 are the better AA, not the 5.3 ones). Now if the Eland and/or the Fox+Scimitar get moved up away from 7.7… Then UK 7.7 will be tolerable instead of decent. 20pdr is a nice round that needs less careful placement than the 17pdr, so more likely to kill things faster, but you still need to aim them semi well. It also has one of the silliest APDS direct counter Premiums the Cent 5/1.


APDS needs a total overhaul. Thats the main issue i’ve always found. Terrible post pen damage and constant shell shatters. Though the tanks themselves are for the most part “fine” but not a bracket I overly enjoy(ed) but thats more on me and my preferences than the tanks themselves


i also realy enjoy the 7.7 line up in sim mainly the Conqueror as it just feels a lot nicer in sim but i understand this is a very situational thing due to the rotation of sim rooms

Turret roof and capola are paper thin and will wipe the entire turred crew with APHE, doesn’t show up in protection analysis but it’s a fairly easy shot to make if you’re not using gunners sights

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Yes, only stabilizer. Early they was at 7.3 (Conqeror always has been 7.7)
But unskill community cry that slow tank with Inscription “stabilizer” its to OP and should be 13.0 br 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
At the same time there is a Conway without inscription “stabilizer” but its gun doesn’t swinging on move, and it sits at 7.0 cause there is only no Instription

Also i play Germany tank and many WW2 tanks without inscription “stabilizer” and i didn’t feel any difficult to shoot on move.

Sorry for offend but unskilled community belive that all problem with their gameplay is only problem in “OP enemy tank that have a litle advantage against they tank”

P.s. Conqueror is strong enough to be 7.7 there is no mistake.

It is a pretty shitty heavy that is frustrating enough to play, the only redeeming quality is having two-planes stabilizer, since it is so tall the -7 gun depression actually worse than the T-64 or early T-72s lol the Carnarvon also dogwater, APDS having shattering fetish and the optical zoom level is similar to reserve vehicles, the hull can be one-shot by most things it face -1br lower. I even think they are overall worse than the T34 and T29.


I could agree with the Centurion Mk 3 going back down to 7.3. That thing has been power creeped out of usefulness and it compares pretty well to the FV4202. There’s almost no point to take the Centurion Mk 3 if you also have the Caernarvon, Conqueror, and Centurion 5/1 in your line up.

Dropping the Mk 3 down to 7.3 also means we could potentially get a 7/1 or 8/1 at 7.7.

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i dont have the conqueror(very good and ill definetly research it soon) but personally i really despised it when grinding, i can see why they should be good but the mobility is so bad the armor so ineffective and the Apds so ineffective that i personally hated it. skill issue i know

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yeah it’s bad, I’m looking foward to chieftains…sigh

Chieftains don’t really differ a lot from the Conqueror imo. All the Chieftains are playable, but so is the Conqueror, they’re all tanks meant to be played hull down/sniping. Bad mobility and bad armour (besides turret), means you are slower than any medium tanks at that battle rating so you can’t get too offensive/agressive because someone else will already be in that said position. If you play any of Chieftains or Conqueror for that matter in a place with zero coverage you are playing it wrong in terms of how it handles itself in game, sure it can be done, but a single shot to your hull and you’re out, while if you play it hull down, the enemy will not be able to kill you as your turret is very strong, generally speaking.

It wasnt until i got to Chieftains that I started enjoying Britain ground again. I hated BR6 & 7.

I cant tell you why I prefered it, but I just felt it was better. Perhaps just less BS tanky things it encountered and so APDS just worked better? I dont know. But I personally think the peek on the tree is the Challenger Mk3 / DS. So looked forward to those

Personally the Conqueror upper front plate is pretty good too. With the add-on armour it’s 150mm + 14mm. It’s only the lower plate that needs to be hidden.


You’re not wrong there, but the lower plate is large and any good player will shoot you there, so its better to stay hidden imo, so playing hull down makes it perfect for the conqueror.

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The Conq could be a faboulus heavy at 7.7 with its LFP and turret top weakspots, only if APDS would be reliable. Its not reliable post pen. the RNG is ridiculous on it.

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