Bring back White Rock Fortress

I miss it too. A strange map in my opinion but also quite unique from the rest.


This map after vehicles’ traction nerf? No, thanks. I’m no crazy hamster to run around in circles because I can’t climb all the steep hills and slopes…

You’re happy with Winter Ardennes and Winter Poland constant rotation like a shitty counter strike server?

It should be returned but only after maybe 3 or 4 BR as it was painful at low BR where tanks were so slow and under powered.
White rock would also have been good as a snow map.
Saying that, it is a most unlikely place for a tank battle but this game is little more than Doom or Quake with tanks anyway. Realism went out of the window years ago.

only low BR

No - I think the idea that the player base won’t find some way to utterly abuse such a system and make it even worse shows a sad naivety.

If you are scared of abuse, don’t go outside

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If wanting to play a map that’s not covered in cheap 2005 snow effects makes me an idiot, then I am a huge idiot

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Actually 93% of players want the map bring back

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Patience is needed. It takes a long time to flatten every hill, delete every flanking option, reduce engagement distances to 50 metres and make half the map out of bounds.


I used to play my R3 and fly off the map at D5 at the top there by the big bridge and get sent flying into the sky, I literally have nothing but good memories of this map.

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How do you figure? It was the worst map Gaijin ever made, IMO. I cannot fathom 93% of any population wanting to play that map. I’m assuming you may be referring to a poll done on the forums? If so, that’s certainly not the best representation of the player base as a whole.

I hope it stays gone. It was a bad map and an ugly one to boot. I don’t know what’s with Gaijin and their obsession with ugly brown maps, Ardennes being one of the worst offenders.

Gimme, instead we got the big Volokolamsk which “top tier enjoyers” still mald about even though they got their big boring map.
That and bring back the old variant of the Port Novorossiysk. The fact that people can’t learn a map and yap about their skill issue and projecting it on bad design is just shame for them

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I wonder what will happen first, Gaijin brings back this map or the Sun exhausts its fuel and dies.

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Hello no, spawncamping shithole

and current maps aren’t? if you said that when it was removed then I’d be inclined to agree, but with some of the new maps Gaijin has put out and the “reworking” they’ve done, spawncamping early on seems to just be par of course, White Rock Fortress is no longer unique in that aspect.


Sadly a lot of maps is like that.
Even the Artic map where the helispawn can lob missiles into your spawn after like 15 seconds

I loved that map. Yeah, yeah, one side could be spawn camped, but there are ways to fix that without removing the whole damn map. I’d also love it if they un-butchered Sands of Sinai

It’s been a dead map to me since they removed the whole side of the map. But i digress, baby steps. Lets get White Rock Fortress back into the rotation.

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It’d be good for low tiers, definetely shouldn’t be added for higher BRs though. This map was genuinely unique, so it’d be nice to have something like this again…