Bring back White Rock Fortress

It wasn’t a flawless map but it was better and more fun than anything we got since it got removed for no reason 3 years ago. The map had a lot of flank routes, interesting terrain and spawncamping could be prevented by blocking of 2 or 3 small spots on the map. Compared to this the new castle map is terrible and has an even more exposed spawnpoint and cap zones.

  • This map should be brought back
  • This map shouldn’t be brought back
0 voters



I hope they will put it back without upgrade and any modification… I loved that map… +1


It should be brought back with some minor changes. I’d like the northmost spawn to be in a flatter area, and I want less mud on the map in general. Having more grip on hills would be nice too, but gaijin thinks traction is a myth.


I would love to have it back. Only good memories. Nostalgia strikes hard with this map.


Been three years of “reworking”


I swear every single match I had on this map was fun. Compare it to now and every game on these new maps is the same because the map doesn’t allow for anything other than to fight the enemy head on.


I used to love bouncing about on the uneven ground with my panther when I had it up to speed. Used to scare people as to how fast it can get in that style of ground.


It would be just good for gaijin to allow players to choose on what maps they want to play.


lol - you really think so??

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Why not?

Gaijin cares about majority so majority would choose what maps are in rotation via simply clicking that they want to play that map.

It would be amusing to see the mixed reactions on forum to it as You don’t need to be smart to understand what would happen.

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They should hold a vote on map concepts before they get created or implemented. The new ones are absolutely terrible.

You’d need a working map rotation first.


wrong forum, also they said they were reworking this map lol its well known

Blocking off 2 spots doesn’t take 3 years.

And will have no changes, lol


Or even worse…

I definitely miss this map. Maybe Iberian Castle was supposed to be its replacement. Flanders is alright, but compared to maps like Seversk-13, Seversk-13 mk2 (Test-Site), Iberian Castle, and Western Europe (North Holland) this map was amazing. Sad we’ll probably never see it again or it’ll be almost unrecognizable just like Kursk, which is Fire Arc now.


It is and it’s awful.

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I really miss this map :(


They said years ago that it would come back, but it never did, not even for customs which it should return for.

Honestly wish some of the now-gone maps returned specifically for customs. Good for Cinematics and sorts. Or the Assets at best are available for us to remake it.

Truly horrific map. Spawn camp within 2 mins every game. Corner camping everywhere you go. No way to push anything.

There used to be a large version White Rock fortress where the fortress was on the NE side of the map. It was only around for 1 patch, but it was actually pretty good. No idea where that map went.

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And you can do it within seconds of leaving your spawn. Fixing spawncamping on this map would take like an hour of work.

This can be said about every map in the game.

If you’re talking about the sim version idk why you think it was better when in reality it was just unnecessarily large and boring like every other sim map.

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