Bring back the Coelian/Flakpanzer 341!


Uh…both. From technicality as a premium yes, however in tech tree for Germany.
Since we transported the hull and the Panther G turret on top.

God knows we have enough copypaste in this game as it is. Let’s try not to make it worse at literally every opportunity, yes?


Panther II Ausf G would not be copy paste.

It’s a Panther not in the German tree. The less stuff like that we have, the better. The US tree is a great example of how bad it gets when your tech is used for spare parts for nine different trees.


Was banned for two days due to swearing on the Forums.

My issue is that the Americans took it and placed some G turret on it. We have no ideas what us germans would have done instead. Plus the Tank is in an US Museum.

Also, I prefer the WT Variant. But open for anything.

The 105 could maybe fit if the rangefinder was removed, as right now they clip into each other. Removing the rangefinder would mean it at least seems like it fits

IIRC the plan was for just a standard 75 turret anyway, but I don’t know if it was uparmored or what. Regardless it would just be a T-34E style Panther, with a thicker front plate but likely the same (or very similar) turret as standard.

As for the Panther with an 88, itself, I’d prefer the current one be kept hidden and replaced in tech tree by something like this.

Drawing showing a proposed mounting of an 88, with a 75 drawn on for measurement
Image from Tank Encyclopedia



The idea actually had some research done on it during the war, and there might be just enough information and basis in reality to cobble together something.

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Is there really no way to fit both somehow? Alternatively it could be removed but the gunner made better at rangefinding. So it would not feel like a difference, your crew just has very sharp eyes and good guessing.

It’s a more complicated topic than it seems. Crew ergonomics and management of internal volume was central to late war German turret design - Panther F and Tiger II production variant turrets being the two most famous examples. If you want to extrapolate to a 105mm gun, you need to look into E-75 R&D, of which unfortunately not much is known. Gaijin’s approach was just to plonk the new gun, extra loader, rangefinder and new engine onto a base Tiger II. It was a very lazy approach. I have nothing against informed speculation for a what if design, if you have an information gap, but just doing whatever is what sealed the fate of the vehicle in terms of removal.

It could come back to the tech tree if you E-75’d it, imho, but whether it would have a rangefinder or not would depend on what you can dig up about the E-75.

I also think the inclusion or exclusion of the rangefinder is used as a soft balancing tool, for example the Sturmtiger has a rangefinder but the Jagdtiger doesn’t (I might be incorrect but I think it’s supposed to? If that’s wrong I’ll edit of course).

This isn’t a Panther II though. It’s a regular Panther with an 88mm.

Also KV-122, T-34-100, T-44-100, T-44-122, and M6A2E1 are all real. Not sure where you get this idea from. You can literally find pictures of them built online.

Yeah, seeing how the E-100 is still purchasable on the marketplace, and not even a mock of the turret was built, it should return, but not the 105 Tiger II, 1 it would never have fit in that turret, however, I’ve don’t some digging and saw a designed version of the Panther II, fitted with a modified “F” turret, slightly longer out the front to fit the breech in the turret, the Panther II’s 88 is definitely possible in a slightly modified schmalturm.

“Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno”

One for all, all for one.

Removing the Rangefinder while buffing the Gunner’s manual rangefinding to have the same Speed would be an Option. No difference in Gameplay and No clipping problems in the turret. Or try to redesign it slightly, Gaijin does have more room for Interpretation here. And I considered the KT 105 to be the least unique looking of the Four (Maus included) anyways. But the 105 gun should stay.

Fact is that Gaijin provided ALL of the 3 to the Public, willingly and without any Special Event or Task Attached. Only bringing back 2 would be unfair.

Just realized another very very rare German premium that should be brought back more often is Herman the German Sherman as the community likes to call the captured m4a2 I think?

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Price for it would go lower then. A substitute would be the other Herman The Sherman’s such as Herman The Sherman II(76mm)

Ostwind II has a shipping manifest.

According to Walter J. Spielberger (Gepard, The History of German Anti-Aircraft Tanks), once the prototype was completed, it was, together with the improved Wirbelwind (known as Zerstörer 45, Eng. Destroyer), transported to the training center at Ohrdruf, in Thuringia. What happened to them after this point is not clear. Due to the chaos and destruction of the late stages of the war, they may have been used as part of an ad hoc unit in order to fight the advancing Allied formations. It is more likely that they did not see any action, given their experimental nature.

It is also important to consider the fact that the whole Ostwind II construction may have also ended in failure. The installation of two 3.7 cm guns in the cramped modified Ostwind turret may have not been possible. It is also possible that the often mentioned prototype did not even have a fully operational turret and was just used to see if the whole installation was even feasible. As such, some, including Hilary L. Doyle, have speculated that not even a prototype was built, alleging Germany’s almost non-existent industrial capacity at the time. H. L. Doyle expressed suspicion that by 1945 the Germans had industrial capabilities to actually build the Ostwind II vehicle, so it seems unlikely that even one fully operational prototype was ever completed.

Other sources, including author D. Terlisten (Nuts and Bolts Vol.13 Flakpanzer, Wirbelwind and Ostwind) mentions a report from Ostbau-Sagan discovered after the war that mentions that some turrets (plural, although the precise number is not listed) for the Ostwind II were completed. D. Nešić, (Naoružanje Drugog Svetsko Rata-Nemačka) mentions that one prototype was built and that a production order for 100 vehicles was given, which did not materialize due to the end of the war.

Overall, for several reasons, the production of the new Ostwind II was not possible. Due to the Allied advance, the Ostabu-Sagan facility had to be evacuated to Teplitz-Schonau in occupied Czechoslovakia. This caused major delays and confusion during the Flakpanzer production. The lack of resources and spare Panzer IV chassis was also a major issue, not to mention the general lack of spare ammunition and fuel at this stage of the war.

Quote from


getting the improved wirbelwind would be nice

I’m all for the Coelian coming back:

  • Hull was ready (obvious as it’s a Panther hull)
  • Guns were built and tested.
  • Specifications were drawn up.
  • Turret reached wooden mock-up stage.

So sure, it wasn’t 100% built but it’s more than can be said for other vehicles in the game.

Though I am against the Panther 2 and Tiger 105 coming back in their current forms. There definitely needs to be some changes to make them more plausible and closer to what they could have been IRL.

I don’t think the Tiger 2 105 should come back in any capacity, seems like it was just a gun upgrade in the other game that then became a fully modeled tank in WT.

Panther II as it used to be is a trickier subject, I do like the idea of an 88 mounted on a panther, but maybe the actual Panther II should come back instead of the the mishmash one Gaijin has made