Bring back armor meta (midtier)

Mid-Tier has had different metas throughout the game’s existence. Currently I would say it is light tanks (even though you cannot generalize it for all tanks).

Today paper tanks are better than ever which is because on average they are faster, better reloading and they often have better penetration values compared to medium and heavy tanks.

This creates a game-play which is less tactical then back in the days and makes War Thunder lose one great aspect which was using your tank to your advantage. (We see this with the flattening and tunneling of some maps as well).

War Thunder turns more and more into a point and click adventure so the game-play becomes more and more “shallow”.

One solution might be to split the ground tree into a “conventional technology” one and an “advanced technology” one (as the content greater PhlyDaily suggested). This would also create 2 “Top-Tiers” and potentially make the now Mid-Tier premiums more interesting for players to buy ;).
Another easier and more likely solution would be a BR decompression.

I would like to know what especially War Thunder veterans who know where this game comes from think about this. Is War Thunder losing it’s way?


I assume this is the “era seperation” thing. Nope.

This is something that needs done. I would love for gaijin to spend 2-3 major updates only adding low/mid rank vehicles while extending the max br.


What do you have against era separation? Whats so bad about it?

In order to do it, you would either have to make certain tanks useless or create a br bracket with only a few tanks.


WW2 tanks fought even in 1967 so it’s realistic enough but PhlyDaily don’t know history and you’re repeating his thoughts.

I do think it’s possible to add enough tanks that would fit into that cathegory

only because a tank fought in 1967 that doesn’t mean it didn’t have outdated tech.

It’s not about matching vehicles based on the historical timeframe in which they fought, but rather, the era in which they were constructed.

I’ve thought about the proposal OP is imagining for a while now, and whilst I don’t necessarily agree with the arcadey-style approach that Phly suggested with the boss tanks and whatnot, I do seriously believe we could have a massive split between rank IV and V, relegating vehicles from WWI, Interwar, and WWII to one side and everything from post-WWII, Cold War, and Modern to the other.


How would this system deal with swedish tanks and stuff like the ratel 90/20 (HEAT-FS at 6.3, ATGM at 6.7).

edit: double checked. Sweden gets HEAT-FS at 4.0

For all of the cold war vehicles currently sitting in WW2 battleratings, they would be pushed to rank V, which would also harbor all the other early cold war heavies and mediums, tanks that the HEAT or APDS-armed light tanks would be perfectly capable of fighting. Note that early cold war vehicles with low-penning AP armament would likely sit at a BR that couldn’t uptier to these heavies.

As for nations like Sweden, they simply wouldn’t reach late WW2 BRs, capping out at around 2.7-3.0, while all of their immediate postwar designs would be pushed to early rank V. Only issue I see is tanks like the Finnish Comet artificially raising the BR with no WW2 lineup, but I suppose that’s primarily an issue of copy paste.


Depends on the tank, and if the light tank has better pen it pretty much always has a worse (or just plain bad) reload. Plus, most light tanks don’t have mobility so much better than the tanks at their BRs that medium or heavy tanks cannot keep up.

How does using light tanks to their advantage make War Thunder lose using your tank to your advantage?

This is a terrible idea, because the mid-tier tanks are already balanced, generally. There’s no technology at the mid-tiers that is unbalanced.

What about the people who only play a certain nation but would like to fight at the lower “top tier”? Why change something that is already balanced?

Except that the current Rank V HEAT/APDS tanks do that much, much better - hence, making those tanks that are pushed to Rank V be useless.

So they wouldn’t face anywhere near the variety of enemies they face now (including potentially having literally no enemies to fight at all)?

They only fought in 1967 cuz that’s all the country that used them could afford.

The US wasn’t using stock M4s in 1967. They were using the M48 by the 50s. They shipped most of the remaining M4s elsewhere. Israel is one such nation - but look at what it was replacing - the Renault R-35!!! And they used them against Russian T34-85s.

Same with the Panther. France and Romania used some - but only because they had nothing else. They were phased out by the 50s.

Realistic? Maybe some degree. Competitive? Not as much since the armor of the day became useless against modern guns.


The armor of (most) of the WWII medium and heavy tanks does not do the job against more modern light tanks. The modern light tanks easily get to good sniping and ambush spots, and their faster-firing guns have no problem penning the larger tanks.

So the WWII tanks are slow to get to the front, and can’t resist the shots that are (probably) coming from cover/ambush.


Apart from the last one, I answered to all of your comments with bold texts bellow each of your comments. I’m sorry for my potentially incorrect spelling, English is not my mother tongue, I tried to make it as understandable as I can.

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Those vehicles would have to be added prior to any seperation.

If you cant fill out those gaps, there will be brs where there are very limited variety of vehicles.

The “reserve” br for post war would most likely only be sweden and maybe one tank for the others.

I dont believe you are going to get your “armor meta” without it turning heavies into boss tanks. I personally find mid tier heavies to be fun and with usable armor.

I believe the difference is that you want armor to be a universal advantage while i see it as an additional advantage.

Universal advantage: armor can be used to block rounds coming from any gun that it can face.

Additional advantage: armor that allows for you to block rounds that mediums would not be able to.

WW2 vehicles may have been fought in 1967, but it didn’t mean they were effective

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Even then it’s just the maps that caused this stigma.

not gonna happen for the simple reason that is if armor is meta that means longer matches
longer matches means higher RP earning which equals easier grind which is something gaijin will never do in a million years
fast ,low skill , brainless gameplay that has low RP rewards is what this game has become.

Vote yes on the upcoming APHE changes then.
They’ll assist in the consistency of heavy tanks.

This is already a thing. Advanced technology tanks are already fighting upper BRs.

Light tanks are not and have never been meta.
Players shooting before being spotted has been the meta.

Then nothing needs changed. War Thunder’s BR system is already correct in this regard.

Me flanking with my maus in a full uptier and getting 8 kills.

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