BR of new top tier jets added in GRB

Hi everyone, I just want to ask if anyone knows how the newly added jets like J10A, JF-17, and F16C Barak II are in br 12.3 GRB? When all of them can take guided bombs with TGP and ARH missiles while having a good FM.

While in br 12.7, F15J(M) can only take dumb bombs, F15C only has GBU-8 and does not have a TGP along with Su-27SM and MiG-29SMT.

Also, in the same 12.3 br, F15A, MiG-29G, SU-27, F15J, and Baz are all inferior in CAS (no TGP/ bad A2G weapon options) and CAP (no ARH missiles) compared to it.

It really doesn’t matter due to the max ground BR being 11.7.

Yes, but when you have a 12.7 plane, you always get 11.7-12.7 br battle. And the waiting time for the battle is significantly longer, sometimes up to 5 minutes.

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The waiting time is indeed long for 12.7 game, that’s why I only use 11.7-12.0 planes with my line-up XD.

Also IMO, 12.7 game is just not fun to play as it will just become air rb during mid-game.

Not really, as the performance between J10A/FC-17/F16C Barak II and F15A/ SU-27/ MiG-29G… is just too large to be in the same br.
When in a 12.3 br game, the team that has those jets can always control the air while you can do nothing to their CAS with your fighter jet, and SPAA is too hard to kill helicopters equipped with f2f AGM that sit behind cover.