I’m proposing a change in the current matchmaking system, currently it just gets “decompressed”. The problem is that this doesn’t fix anything except for where the decompression starts, everything else stays the same.
Vehicles below and above this line now see more uptiers. IMO only changing the matchmaking spread to +.3/-.3br step would make more favorable matchmaking. (Example 11.0 could only see 10.7-11.3)
It’s nice seeing the facts win out finally.
A 4 separation matchmaker with a bit more decompression in a few more BRs quite literally fixes the balance entirely.
well not really it just means that you hide the problem more and make it more abrupt when it comes into sight while also making the concept of moving vehicles up and down in BR a far more aggressive thing to before. a 6.0 vehicle going to 6.3 would be like moving it to 6.7-7.0 with such a change as you wish.
If vehicles like the T55AM, 2S38 and early stabilised or APFSDS vehicles get spread across further then you wont get as horrendous BRs to play like 9.7 where you get nothing but premium pack uptiers
I used them as an example of a tank that causes compression from being under BR. T55 am br area should be spread out a lot more as there ww2 tanks fighting stuff from the 1970s and the 2s38 should be at 11.0 because of its good penetration from its spamcanon and AA ability
I get it, but in the current meta there are certain br that always have top or bottom tier every game and it basically defeats the purpose of this when tanks are facing completely superior counterparts every battle. This would help solve going against tanks a full br higher.
And br issues like the 2S38 are gaijins ignorance, but I’d rather face one in a 10.0 than a 9.3
Uptier/downtier are simply dictated by the volume of players in a given BR, and reducing the match spread just winds up making a bunch of vehicles ridiculously broken. (cough A-4N)
I don’t understand this logic, it’s going to be less broken not going 1 full br down! Now it sees 8.7, it would only see 9.3 where there are plenty of stingers and iglas
This would cause massive issues. Many BRs are depopulated or have only a couple nations with lineups. Take 11.3 for example, there are hardly any 11.0s so they would always be at 11.7.
This would just make apparent compression worse because instead of fighting a variety of vehicles, you’d always be fighting the same small group of vehicles which exaggerates the performance difference between them. I mean just look how much people complain about top tier, because there are no uptiers or downtiers to give breathing room.