BR change

o primeiro su-27 que se encontra no BR 13.3 em batalhas de simulação deveria ser reclassifico nesta atualização para o BR 13.0 visto que ele não tem tamanha capacidade em combate BVR ou Dogfight em comparação aos seus concorrentes, seu radar, misseis e performace estão ultrapassados.

The first Su-27 that is in BR 13.3 in simulation battles should be reclassified in this update to BR 13.0 since it does not have as much capacity in BVR or Dogfight combat compared to its competitors, its radar, missiles and performance are outdated.

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Its radar is weak. But it still has some of the best missiles in the game.

Youre wrong
Only planes that can beat su-27 in dogfight - Eurofighter and Rafale.
While other nations - like US, JP, SW and etc - cant.

Also, issue not that Su-27 is 13.3, but it never fights in too due of BR brackets(would be changed at some point)

Yeah, this is the main issue and so disappointed they didnt bother this BR change

Wrong, there are countless planes that can beat the su27 in a dogfight; Gripen, F16A, J10, mirage 2K… just to name a few.

The main thing you should fear about the flanker is the missiles, as it’s dogfighting capabilities while now pretty strong, still doesn’t make it the best dogfighter in the game to the point where only eurofighters and rafales can beat it… especially considering how stuff like the Jas39A sit at a lower br being the best 13.0 and still one of the best dogfighters in the game.

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