BR change suggestion for Su27/J11, J11A in *Air Sim*

Mode: Air Sim
Suggestion: 1. move SU27 and J11 down to 13.0 same as Air RB

  1. Performance: SU27 and J11 both having only SARH, N001 and SPO15 are inferior in terms of situational awareness, this only gets worse in Air SB since no marker is available, player has to often rely on radar and RWR to find target, IFF, and guide ammunition.
  2. this BR change has been implemented in Air RB, but not Air SB, if they were determined to be only 13.0 worthy already in ARB, it’s more so for ASB
  3. in Air SB bracket system, aircraft with BR 13.3 always see far superior 13.7 and now 14.0 opponents. SU27 and J11 with the performance reason, are totally noncompetitive in this match room.

Mode: Air Sim
Suggestion: 1. move J11A down to 13.3

  1. Performance: By far the worst 13.7 due to the use of N001+SPO15 avionics and R77 with only 1 DL channel. this vehicle is at a great disadvantage in terms of both situational awareness, and arsenal capabilities.
  2. Comparisons: Jets such as JF17, F-4F ICE, JA37DI all equipped longer range ARH missiles, with better situational awareness (maybe not JA37DI), but they are placed at either 13.3 or 13.0.

Overall, please understand that in Air Sim, situational awareness provided by the avionics often plays the most important role, this should be considered into BR balancing.


with removal of R-27ER - yes


then why did they move it to 13.0 in RB? I’m asking it to match in SB

plus many other 13.0 you face already gonna send aim120 which is far more capable in general than ER

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on blue side thats only AV-8B, when launched from harrier - it doesnt have datalink, very limited range.
and maybe viggen(depends), but it will be inferior even in SA
also, Su-27 able to just outspam them

also if you play it in sim you know how slow the N001 would tell you if there’s anyone in front of you, plus it lose lock so easily that you won’t even get the chance to spam

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always plays on Red side.
you wont see it in enemy team, unless youre playing PVE lobby with everyone VS axis

well, your issue, if you letting ppl to get that close.
also, R-27ER uses hardlock, so, doesnt really matter

just again, how would you explain that they moved it for RB while you can really spam based on MARKERS. SU27 in general is weaker in SB than RB.

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“skillest” rb players. nothing else.

with like 500+ air sb kill in su27+J11, definity my skill issue. HAHA

youre only flanker player that exist?

nope. i play US side even more. so I know how weak SU27 are from both sides

Su-27 was weak due of FM, now it’s fixed.

this is a funny argument, doesn’t matter which side it’s on, it’s more capable yet much lower BR, then it makes no sense.

it’s weak due to AVIONICS and FM, now just AVIONICS.

its not more capable…
WVR - Su-27
BVR - on level, due of F-4F weak airframe, but better avionics

not best → weak…? or what

there’s really no point to debate further. I know how it is, you don’t look like you played Su27 much and disagree, sure.

sure, theres no reason to debate, why Su-27 mustnt be 13.0, cus i already wrote that earlier.

cuz it’s dogshit in the fight against 13.7+14.0, if the bracket system allows 13.3 to be the top for few days the situation of su27 isn’t gonna be as bad.

true, but too good to fight against 13.0.

welp, you suggested to move Su-27 and etc down, which would kill br entirely, not changing BR brackets.