Boxer Cockerill 3105 - The aberrant flanker

im going all in for light vehicles due to the lack of them on tech trees honestly, that’s why i’ve been suggesting boxer platforms

Yeah there is no shortage of stuff that Cockerill turrets have been crammed into.


Congrats on your suggestion though m8 🤙 @UnHolySausage


ty, didnt expect it to be an actual thing for this event lol




Exactly, case in point my cockerill post:

Even the 3105 turret on its own had already sold 200 units in its first year to multiple nations. Every single Cockerill turret with a 105HP gun (no joke) was trialed on the Belgian army Piranha IIIC anyway, so Belgium/France could get all the Cockerill prototype-turrets easily that way into the tech tree. The unique thing about the Belgian prototypes is that they are the only ones we can be certain of that the use the crazy MECAR M1060CV APFSDS round, so it would be more logical to have these versions in the Belgian/French Tech tree (Piranha IIIC or Piranha V or Leopard 1A5BE with the cockerill turrets).

There is/was never a need for these multi-company ventures to be added. You don’t want 30 vehicles with the 105HP gun in the same tech tree anyway. This addition to germany makes a lot of sense. :)

btw @UnHolySausage Good job on the post!


Yeah and like i said in the post the only reason i suggested this was because of it’s German Hull, and that it was tested by KMW in Germany i really would like to see other cockerill in general for Benelux

you so smart prediction

[Development] Mobile Sniper: Boxer MGS

Here’s the Devblog for your suggestion vehicle.

( 3105 - Welcome | John Cockerill Defense America )


France never entered the boxer program. Nor do they have interest to use them. It would make absolutely no sense for France to get a Boxer 8x8.

Only countries valid are Germany and Britian. Maybe Isreal as an event vehicle because Qatar also have a small amount of Boxers.

It is also a demonstration, there is no word on it actually being in use, therefore point is moot. It was made by Germany primarily and Cockerill is based in Belgium. There was no planned use in Belgium to use the module either, the fire trials were set for Germany and the UK but ended up being cancelled and currently unknown.

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He meaned because of belgium and the neitherlands

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Belgium is only referenced because Cockerill is based there, Belgium doesn’t have the Boxer in service, only the Netherlands, still a very far reach for France getting a boxer.

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@leroyonly, the suggestion got implemented.



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Still nothing happened

vehicle has been already in the game?i think

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@leroyonly isnt this the one we have ingame?



@CokeSpray @leroyonly This should be moved to Implemented.


Sadly it’s still very incomplete/inaccurate

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