Bombers are so delicate

How is it possible that bombers are so delicate? In real life, they’d come back missing half a wing, most of the crew, and still land safe and sound. But in War Thunder? Four shots and either the plane explodes, or you lose the wingtip and can’t even fly straight. I know they hate bombers, but come on! It’s basically impossible to play them nowadays!


You’re going to get a lot of comments nitpicking about how you said bla bla bla reality bla bla bla realism bla bla bla which is besides the point. The issue is bombers aren’t fun nor competitive currently for many reasons and one of them is the easy nature of killing bombers due to as you said, lacking durability. They were NOT overly durable irl as you describe, that is a common myth/mistake, but even knowing that they weren’t overly durable irl doesn’t change the fact they are in a shit place currently in game and need changes.

Now prepare for the flood of comments (including possibly from some devs) about how you’re wrong about the durability comment so they can ignore the real issue of bombers being awful in WT.


Bombers really need to be strengthened. Because the bomber is bigger and stronger. A bomber is often larger than four or five fighters. But in the game, it can withstand the same number of shells as a fighter. That’s not right and it’s not fair. If a fighter’s wing can be damaged by three shells, then the bomber’s wing should need at least 10 rounds, which is only fair.。 In addition, there are at least four to five members of the large bomber. The maximum number of fighter members is only two. Therefore, the bomber cannot be judged to be destroyed by killing the pilot like a fighter.


bomber crews arent taught how to fly planes


I miss this times. Today 1-2 hits and the whole plane lose both wings and tail.


Tu-14 and Il-28 when a 20mm grazes their tail.

My favorite is the entire B17 splitting in half from a few .50 cal rounds


I am lucky to have spaded most of my bombers before things got stupid. In the previous forum, I actually started a thread to try and get the bomber pilots to boycott flying bombers until things changed. I am willing to bet that most players aren’t looking at the forums at all though, so nothing came from that thread.

I’m not currently flying heavies in ARB.

You’re the one who fell victim to survivor ship bias I am sorry to burst your bubble my friend but you are forgetting about all the bombers that did not return The ones that did return with such extensive damage were the absolute minority, and extremely lucky for some time you were actually able to get back to base with a wing missing however now with severe damage mechanic that’s not really easy to do anymore I believe.
However here is a picture of what a single German 30mm shell does to a bomber


I don’t think its because they are fragile or delicate, I believe that in this game, its easy to aim and majority of the bullets hit critical parts of the plane making it look like the bomber is delicate. Especially since 20mm+ can do real heavy damage to them. IRL, hitting a target was incredibly hard as they have to maintain stillness for accurate shots, gunners won’t allow that so pilots had to do quick passes either hitting tough areas or missing multiple times till it was shot down. Those that survived were lucky.

That’s just my thought about it. Game easy, IRL hard.


iirc they did drastically nerf bombers back in the day they used to be more resistant not sure tho

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Alongside that, damage models are quite simple.

I shouldn’t be able to knock out a lancaster with 2 20mms ever, especially from the rear.


I think bomber is normal strength.Because playing bomber is easier than playing fighter.Most of bomber players are land players only want to open the line.Most of them don’t know how to play fighter,so they play bomber.If the bomber don’t have experience can play very good.It’s not fair to fighter player.

Even if they made them more durable it wouldn’t really matter. We won’t have good bomber gameplay until the gamemodes change, which we all know how often happens in War Thunder.

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all this+usually people in air are running full HE belts that always work properly unlike irl where sometimes they’d have ap belts on or the he shells weren’t fuzing

Did you read the 2nd post of the thread bud? Bit funny tbh

What bomber pilots???

Currently i see just tankers or low effort grinders using 4 engine bombers for just one reason: Grinding within Air RB with the lowest efforts - they fly straight to a base and get mostly killed before the even have the chance to drop.

  • Meeting a skilled bomber pilot became extremely rare. Gaijin scared most of them away by introducing strike aircraft like Wyverns or the 2 T-18s (yes both were ground attack versions) - fully capable of intercepting most bombers before they are even near a base.

  • On top of that gaijin lowered the BRs of a hell of very good fighters whilst they increased the BRs of the most successful or even remotely capable bombers.

  • So it needs a hell of experience to make even medium bombers work - but the results of classic bomber game play (=killing enemy infrastructure aka as bases or destroying the enemy airfield as high value target) have currently almost zero (ok 180-300 tickets for a base kill) game impact.

Until May 2020 (introduction of respawning bases) there were some bomber specialists within the player base, but without the option to kill the enemy airfield playing a heavy bomber makes no sense - at least game play wise.

Hmh…this might be true if a B-36 would be playable, but otherwise:

A reminder of the size of the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt. Airmen for ...

WWII Flight B17, P38, P47 & 2XP51 | Larry Powell | Flickr

Size Comparison between B36, B29, B17 and a C47 : r/aviation