Alright, there’s a recurring problem where whenever I bring my 4.0 coastal lineup (Albatros, M-17 and V-990) I always get catapulted to the encounter gamemode, one made specifically for cruisers and battleships.
Now, I do not need to explain how boring and unfair the gamemode is for boats. In the below example you spawn behind where boats usually spawn in domination matches. If you don’t see an enemy Shershen within the next five minutes you’re essentially forced to sit around and do nothing, and that is especially the case for slower boats like the M-17 and Gabbiano.
Sure, if you stick around behind the islands, sure you may have a chance of surviving the match but at the same time you’ve basically contributed nothing to the team besides a couple of boat kills if you are lucky.
If you stray away from those islands however, you WILL be sautéed by the entire enemy team within a five-kilometer radius of your location, and of course I’m referring to destroyers, especially Moffetts and Frank Knoxes.
Onto faster boats like the V-990 and Shershen. Within the first few minutes, you may nab a few boat kills but like the slower boats you’re eventually forced to sit around and do nothing for the next 25 minutes of the match. You could try ambushing the occasional destroyer who’s unaware of your presence but again that’s only if you’re very lucky. You could also try and ambush the AI cargo ships, throw a few torpedoes at them and leave but then there’s the long and arduous journey back to your home convoy point, thus wasting 5-10 minutes of your time.
I forgot to mention these two earlier; SKRs and the Köln. Their guns are essentially borderline useless past 6 km and when they spawn in this gamemode they are forced to snipe across the map at 10-12 km.
To summarise, putting full boat lineups to fight convoys is like trying to get a group of ants to maim an elephant. Raise the BR cap needed for this gamemode to 5.7 or 5.3 at least so that only cruisers and above may acccess them.