BMP-3 4S24 NKDZ: Karkas (ERA) Revival

  • Disclaimer: Some images are placeholders until more are released of this vehicle. Due to ongoing conflict, active duty personnel have been blurred out.

125px-Flag_of_Russia_svg.png.cc1107743f2 BMP-3 4S24 NKDZ: Karkas Revival
A BMP-3 4S24 NKDZ with a Sodema Gunner’s Sight, Karkas-II ERA, and rear cage armor. Additional note, AI has been used to remove the active duty member in the center of the image.

  • Description:
    • The BMP-3 is a highly capable and versatile infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) that has been in service with the Russian military and various export customers since the early 1990’s. Developed as an improvement over the earlier BMP-1 and BMP-2 models, the BMP-3 began development in the early 1980’s and went through state tests in 1985. When compared to the other BMP’s, the BMP-3 incorporates a significant number of advanced features and capabilities. At the heart of the vehicle is a potent armament package housed in the 2K33 Complex, including a 100mm 2A70 smoothbore gun that can fire a variety of ammunition including anti-tank guided missiles, a 30mm 2A72 dual-feed automatic cannon, and a 7.62mm PKT coaxial machine gun. This firepower, combined with the vehicle’s armor protection and mobility, makes the BMP-3 a formidable opponent on the modern battlefield. The BMP-3 has had multiple variants developed which has included new combat modules, armor testing, different propulsion systems and more.

      The older BMP-3 prototype with Karkas-I or 4S20 inserts.
    • This BMP-3, the BMP-3 4S24 NKDZ, is a modern vehicle equipped with the Karkas-II Dynamic Protection, incorrectly known as Kactus, providing the vehicle additional kinetic armor protection up to 30mm AP-rounds and 500mm of penetration from HEAT-shaped charges while retaining its ability to traverse on water. This Dynamic Protection package had its origins in the late-90’s, with a prototype completed in 2000 that had used 4S20 inserts, or inserts from Kontact-1 dynamic protection. This type of ERA was known as Karkas-I. Additionally, cage armor was installed around the rear of the vehicle near the engine compartment. The Karkas-I ERA Kit had not been in use beyond prototype status until the year 2023, when late-production BMP-3’s started receiving them utilizing 4S24 (Relikt) inserts which received the designation ‘Karkas-II’, albeit in small batches. This switch from the original 4S20 to 4S24 inserts significantly increased protection for the crew and overall survivability compared to the original Karkas-I. Karkas-II is expected to enter wider production in 2024 with some vehicles already having been utilized by the RGF. The BMP-3 obr. 2019’s and onward models have the mounting equipment factory installed on the vehicle to mount the Karkas-II kit. The BMP-3 4S24 NKDZ, like all other standard BMP-3’s, can carry several fully equipped infantry troops in addition to its 3-man crew of commander, gunner, and driver. Propulsion is provided by a 500 horsepower UTD-29M diesel engine, allowing the BMP-3 to achieve road speeds of up to 70 km/h and swim at up to 7 km/h. The BMP-3 has undergone several changes over the years to include its advanced electronics suite, which includes a Sodema thermal imaging sight, passive-IR for the Commander and Driver, a sophisticated fire control system, PL-1 Laser Pulse Beamer which acts as the Laser Rangefinder, and advanced communications gear. This allows the vehicle to engage targets day or night and in adverse weather conditions. The BMP-3 has seen action in numerous conflicts worldwide and continues to be an integral component of the Russian Ground Forces and several other nations. The BMP-3 4S24 NKDZ has already seen service, with at least two knocked out.
      • Special thanks to @ZVO_12_INCH for his help in the suggestion.

4S24 inserts that are found in Karkas-II.

Testing of 4S24 inserts against a PG-7VS warhead.

  • Armament:
    • 2K23 Complex:
      • Primary: 2A70 100mm Cannon
        • Ammunition:
          • 3OF17 HE
          • 3OF19 HE
          • 3OF19-1 HE
          • 9M117 GL-ATGM
          • 9M117M1 GL-ATGM
          • 9M117M1-3 GL-ATGM
        • Feed System:
          • 22rd-Autoloader (48rds-total, including 8x GL-ATGM’s)
      • Secondary: 2A72 30mm Autocannon
      • Cartridge: 30x165
        • Ammunition:
          • 3UBR8 APDS-T
          • 3UBR11 APFSDS-T
          • 3UBR6 AP-T
          • 3UOR6 HEF-I
          • 3UOF8 F-T
      • Feed System:
        • Dual-belt Fed (500rds-total)
      • Tertiary: 3x 7.62mm PKTM Machine Gun (2,000rds-total)
      • Other specifications:
        • Depression/Elevation: -5/+60 Degrees
        • Stabilizer: 2E52-2 Electro-mechanical, Two-plane

  • Maneuverability:
    • Engine: 500hp - UTD-29M Diesel Engine
      • Auxiliary Power Unit (APU)
    • Transmission: Hydromechanical Planetary-Type (8-Forward, 4-Reverse)
    • Chassis: Tracked, Adjustable, Hydropneumatic
      • Max Speed: 71km/h (9km/h on water)

  • Dimensions:
    • Length: 7.140m
    • Width: 3.300m
    • Height: 2.300m
    • Weight: 18.7-22.7t (w/o and w/ ERA)

  • Crew (3x):
    • Commander
    • Gunner
    • Driver

  • Features:
    • 6x 81mm 902V ‘Tucha’ Rear-mounted Smoke Grenade Launchers
    • ESS
    • 2x PL-1 Laser Pulse Beamer/Laser Rangefinder
    • Dozer-blade
    • Optics (NVD-specific):
      • Gunner: Sodema Thermal Imager
      • Commander: TKN-AI Passive-IR Periscope
      • Driver: TSE-1 Day/Night Passive-IR Periscope
    • Amphibious
    • Addon Armor:
      • 4S24 Karkas-II Explosive Reactive Armor (ERA)/Dynamic Protection
        • The ERA is in-game in the form of the Relikt on the sides and rear of the T-80BVM and T-72B3’s turret.
      • Cage Armor around the engine compartment/dismount access.

A layout of the vehicle’s modifications.

  • In-game :
    • The BMP-3 4S24 NKDZ brings in extra firepower and the most modern-production variant of the BMP-3. It’s equipped with the 3UBR11 APFSDS-T rounds and the deadly new 9M117M1-3 GL-ATGM capable of extra range which can knock out targets across the map. It also can equip the Karkas ERA which is designed to protect against HEAT-shaped charges to prevent penetration of the fighting compartment. Overall the vehicle would provide a solid top-tank IFV with an analog to the vehicle being the Puma S1, and the M2A4 Bradley w/ BUSK-II.
    • The 2A72 has no issues firing the 3UBR11 APFSDS-T rounds as that was a rumor.
    • Estimated Battle Rating: 10.0-10.3
      • Battle Rating is assessed based on the vehicles armament, equipped with APFSDS-T, an upgraded/long-range GL-ATGM, and 4S24 ERA capable of stopping 30mm rounds and up to 500mm of chemical-based munitions.

  • General Images:

    Notice the lug mounts on the turrets for mounting Karkas ERA.

    Karkas ERA being hit with a PG-9V grenade.

    Breakdown of Karkas/4S24 ERA.

    Model of the BMP-3 with the armor kit.

Karkas-II ERA during testing.

  • Older Prototype BMP-3’s with 4S20 Inserts:

  • Ammunition:

    The 9M117M1-3 GL-ATGM, the most modern version of the round for the BMP-3.

    3UBR11 APFSDS-T round compared to the 3UBR8 APDS round.

  • Internal images of the vehicle:

  • Gunner’s Sight:

    Sodema Gunner’s Sight.

Would you like to see the BMP-3 4S24 NKDZ in-game?
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Just a summary of what this means for in-game:

  • This is a BMP-3 just like we have in-game, the 2nd-generation Sodema thermal sight for the Gunner, amphibious, the 9M117M1-3 missile, etc. however, it would have the 3UBR11 APFSDS-T rounds just like the BMP-2M has already AND the Karkas-II ERA kit that covers the vehicle as well as cage armor towards the dismount/engine bay.
  • While the manufacturer states specified protection measures being against 30mm AP and 500mm of protection against HEAT-shaped munitions, it’s all dependent on how Gaijin implements it and based on so far, this is roughly what we should expect to see since the Karkas-II ERA uses the same filler and internal layout:
  • This vehicle is the final iteration of the production BMP-3, a lot more armored and more firepower but nonetheless loses in mobility due to the excess weight of the ERA kit.
  • Second image is of 4S24U found on the sides of vehicle turrets such as the T-72B3, and T-80BVM. Its composition is the same as those found in the Karkas-II kit.

Absolutely 100% yes. I’d also like the two hull machine guns on the BMP-3 to be active and usable! +1


How effective is 9M117M1-3? Because unless it’s an exceptional missile, I think 10.3/10.7 is quite overtiered.
The ZBD04 is 9.7 with higher mobility, APFSDS, and similar hull protection. The BMP-2M also has APFSDS, higher mobility, and of course 9M133, albeit without much armour. I’d think the 4S24 would be more 9.7-10.0 and not 10.3-10.7

It’s the same missile we have in-game. I gave it a higher BR because it depends on the way the ERA is added. If they go off the manufacturer’s specs, it can definitely be a lot higher. If it’s based off of my previous comment, then it can be 10.0. For the time being I’ve adjusted it to 10.0-10.3.


My issue is that the ERA does not seem that useful in game. In real combat its very effective but not so much in war thunder. Feel free to correct me if im wrong and misunderstanding.

It depends, it can be very useful if it goes off of manufacturer specs or could be dead weight if its based off the in-game specs being the Relikt ERA around the sides and rear of the T-72B3 and T-80BVM’s turret.

Screenshot 2024-08-25 180607

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Most likely we will get the useless version.

Good possibility but let’s hope not lol. It’s a unique vehicle, being a Russian IFV with ERA and provides an analog to any future M3A3/M2A3/M2A4E1 Bradley with BRAT-I/II ERA, and the in-game PUMA (and soon to be Puma S1) with its own ERA.

Yes. Its a naturally evolutionary step in that tree, one could argue that it could just be a module for the base version that increase BR and enables additional round

I mean… That’s 4S24U Relikt…
We’re talking about 4S24 Kaktus…

There’s a reason why their designation is so similar, they’re almost the exact same

It’s dependent on implementation. Manufacturer says otherwise in this case, thats why I put we should see it like this based on how Gaijin has added Relikt.

The armor on this vehicle isn’t Kaktus, it’s Karkas-II. Kaktus isn’t associated with this vehicle at all. It’s often mixed.

Karkas-I is the original project.
Karkas-II is the current production.


Karkas is the name of the armor package itself, Kaktus is the designation of the arrangement of 4S24 plastic explosive modules. Similar to the UBKh package for the T-72B3, or the VVKh packages for the T-80 and T-90.

Kaktus most definitely is associated with the BMP-3, as it was even named as such in 2006 when production of the protection suite first began. The лопухи add-ons have been used synonymously with the term Karkus and Kaktus, and the only mentions of Kaktus as a whole were in reference to the BMP-3 since its first hint at IDEX.


Can you please provide these sources? I don’t have an issue if I’m wrong and will make that correction, I’ve just have seen otherwise. I’ve only seen that Kaktus is associated with the Black Eagle project and doesn’t have any association with the BMP-3/Karkas with it often being mixed with Kaktus. It doesn’t make sense to me either that the name Kaktus would be associated with Karkas-I and Karkas-II, confusing.


You may have to give me a bit to recollect some sources and thoughts, I may have started this off on the wrong foot and may be contradicting myself with what I’ve gathered.


No worries, I appreciate it 👍

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Pictures of the BMP-3 4S24 NKDZ compared to the M2A3 Bradley w/ BRAT.

  • The BMP-3 4S24 NKDZ provides an opportunity for the USSR tree to have a modern IFV equipped with effective ERA (Karkas-II) which has 4S24 filler, potentially increasing its chances of addition along with its compatriot in the USA tree, the M2A3 Bradley with BRAT (or other variants that can use it like the M7A2, M7A3 BFIST’s, M3A2, M3A3, M2A2, M2A4, M2A4E1 Bradley’s, or the M6 Linebacker). This isn’t the only IFV in-game that uses ERA, as the German Puma and soon-to-be implemented Puma VJTF both use it as well.
  • Another but early (the first) version of it could be added, the BMP-3 (Karkas-I) that uses 4S20 filler from Kontact-1 as well as it lacking the Sosna-U sight, and only 3UBR8 APDS rounds and the 9M117/9M117M (3UBK10-3) missiles. It could be BR 9.3.
    Early version with 4S20 inserts.
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Few updates to include some more images and video of the 4S24 inserts. Still not many images of the vehicle beyond wrecks or the singular one I have posted under the title. If anyone has new images, please share.


  • Here’s some idea on the mounting of the ERA. While this is the Karkas-I ERA kit in the pictures, Karkas-II shares the same mountings. The ERA is spaced from the vehicle to prevent any injury to the crew since 4S20 (Karkas-I)/4S24 (Karkas-II) fillers are still explosives.
  • Still keeping an eye out for images of the modern BMP-3 with Karkas-II.
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+1, I love this guy and his posts!

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