Seriously, these kinda maps should get rid of over 7.0
There is no fun in these 1 cap maps , especially when you get “wrong” spawn.
And then there is talk of One Dead Leave, when the devs are the biggest promoters of this practice.
Not even 900m between spawns… fascinating.
There are 2 type 1 death leavers.
First is, VISA players and they cant be helped if not giving crew lock for least 1h.
Second is these Top tier having complete **** map. This could be helped if developers would actually play the game , and see the problem by themself on these kinda maps…
Another bright example is Poland, where other team gets spawn right next to a hill, and another team is spawned complete open in field…
Does it surprise, that when getting north spawn , it is usually lost game…
The fact you get more rewards if you stay on the match for longer times is more than enough to encourage respawns, are you suggesting a disciplinary penalty for leaving the match after the first death? Because, honestly, if I see the match is a defeat, the team as entirely isn’t helping the situation or the map is bad, I’m not respawning again.
On the contrary, what should be done is make the maps much bigger, improve the damage models of all the bullets, rebalance the tanks to be as realistic as possible, and once the justified causes of One Dead Leave are eliminated, encourage even more the gains by staying in the game.
You can’t punish players for a problem that the devs created, you don’t have to punish, you have to encourage, the problem is that gaijin is an expert in encouraging all the bad things that can happen in the game.
I would love for all maps in all tiers to be at least 4km x 4km, with Br 9.0 and up being a bit larger, that were well balanced, with covered areas, uneven ground, forests, etc. to be able to move around the map, but that you could also shoot from long distances, flank, etc. In a few words, what would be done in reality. Then I would eliminate the single-base games, leave the three-base games and the games with bases for each team. Apart from that, it would be interesting if in different games they changed the bases, for example the game goes from north to south, and in another game it would be from east to west, changing the respawns and the base positions, in order to give more dynamism to the games, and not end up being something repetitive. Another thing is to remove the map restrictions, since as they would all be large maps, you could play games on the same map with a Br1.0 and the same map would also appear in the top tier. Because another thing that gets tiring is spending several months in a row playing the same 5 maps, there are times when I think they removed maps from the game, until you change from Br8.0 to Br2.3 and suddenly a map appears that you didn’t even remember.
that map is so small even the centurion AVRE is a sniper on it
I really hate driving into the middle and CQC with enemy, that feel stupid as hell lol
the only MILDLY good benefit these maps have is for completing event stars faster (only when everyone manages to get to the middle instead of spawncamping once the first wave is dead, which is what always happens)
No just no, imagine slow *ss heavy tanks or tutels on 7.0 etc , next to useless optics in those maps…
That remainds just like sim maps in ARB in props… 90% team just crashed on spawn.
I once got out for a smoke, and came back and I still wasnt on middle of map…
Yeah , and soon as that is capped tickets bleed faster than blood in Expendables
That is kinda intresting.
First you claim rewards for being longer in game is enough to stick on game more than 1 death , and next you are saying you leave after 1 death if team is not doing good as you want it to perform…
So apparentally that is not enough for sticking on game.
Doing this will kill off a lot of tank. Especially ww2 and early cold war, you don’t want to go that way
Just not spawn in if you get small maps or urban maps. At 8.3 and higher those small maps are just a clusterf**k
That’s what I think when I’m constantly facing the T-55AM1 and AMD with the Centurion Mk3.
As I said, it’s about being as realistic as possible, not 100% realistic. It’s clear that you can’t put the Swedish tanks from 49 or 50 against the T-54, but in other cases you can, you can separate them so that a Centurion from 1950 can’t see a T-55 from 1975, you can make a Tiger 2 from 1944 can’t see a tank with HEAT from 1950. It’s about looking for realism but all within a balance taking into account the possibilities of each vehicle.
That Br compression for you , just decompress BR and your problem will be less of a problem rather than making stuff more realistic
You have a very different standard than some of us.
My major issue driving me away from ARB is the fact that prop maps are bloody tiny. On some maps you have a fight break out fighter-on-fighter as early as 23:30 (Lake Ladoga).
Such maps do not give you time to climb and position in heavier fighters, as by the time you gain an advantagous position you can work with your team had suicided into the enemy flying f4us and p47s with tons of bombs strapped to them at 500 meters.
This is the opposite of fun.
Having time to fly gives you room to maneuver and position in prop battles, having the time to smoke sth is awesome because maybe we can finally fight above 2-4km altitude in planes made for fighting at 5-8km.
Also, ARB EC maps are smaller than sim EC maps due to horrible objective design (3 gridsquares of objectives smack middle with both airfields pointing at each other. Which brings us …
Also on topic:
Don’t forget, it’s not just map size. It’s objective design as well.
Gaijin’s objectives waste the map. In ARB, everything is in the middle in like 3 gridsquare wide region. No reason to fly to the edges unless running away or trying to sneak behind the enemy (likely they all die by the time you did that or your team died because they all flew straight at enemy runway).
In GRB same deal. Look at this tiny map. Look at how much worse it is made by having an objective smack in the middle in tight urban corridors where best case sight line sill be some 360 m, more likely 50 around a corner.
Even on 3 cap variants, the objective design tends to be horrible. 3 objectives, next to each other, in the same “point of interest” (village in the middle) causing everyone to drive into that village and waste the rest of the map. Often you cannot even drive out to the sides and try to snipe the objectives from there due to all the buildings and clutter. Only reason to drive to the side is to camp enemy spawn or maybe do a rare hammer into your team’s anvil (often won’t work because you flash on enemy map driving on their side of the map even if you’re nowhere near the red circle of their spawn…)
This madnesss needs to stop, there aren’t enough map bans leaving and taking crew lock for 10 minutes is a joke. GRB needs a new set of maps and gamemodes.