Dear Gaijin, Today i am here to discuss something the thing the Israeli Tech tree lacks: Top tier Spaa
as we all know the Israeli tech tree top tier Spaa is the Imp.Chaparral at 10.0 , at the battle rating 10.0 the Imp.Chaparral can face the A-10(US) And the Su-25(USSR) both of them have anti tank guided missiles and as you know both can be launched from 10 km range and even then the Imp.Chaparral cannot shoot them from the front since they outclass the Imp.Chaparral missiles and now think at top tier at 12.0 how should Israeli tech tree players protect themselves from planes if we cannot even deal with aerial threats at 10.0 so gaijin would you mind to take a look at the Israel Spaa top tier crisis and fix it?
We know and gaijin knows. However there are literally no other options sadly. Only thing we can hope for right now is the HSVD-ADAMS. Only other option is a SPYDER variant someday such as the SPYDER-SR or ER, SPYDER-MR or LR, or lastly the SPYDER-AOI (All-In-One) which is the most advanced of them all. The last potential option is yet to be finished, and that’s an Iron Dome mobile system dubbed the “I-Dome” which is essentially an Iron Dome on wheels. I haven’t checked in on in it’s development and progress in a while. I’ll go take a look at that last one later today.
I-Dome: Seems it’s still in the development and prototype phase, here’s a visual depictions of what it should look like based off of the revealed models:

Yeah i hope gaijin add Hvsd/adams or the some of the spyder series cuz rn the situation is unbearable
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I would be quite happy if they purposely gimp a SPYDER to only equip standard Derby missiles and the Python 4. That way it could be a lower BR and a perfect fit as a top tier SPAA for Israel in its current state.