Better AAMs

British and German Typhoons should receive the Meteor and the IRS-T AAMs to counter the Rafale.

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No really not needed at this stage.

Besides, if we got Meteor, so would the Rafale
and if we got ASRAAM (for UK) /IRIS-T (for Germany and Italy) they would get MICA IR on the Rafale

So it wouldnt change much.

Next AAM upgrade for the Typhoon would be Aim-120C5s which gives them a little better range.

But the major issue with the Typhoon is its radar, Buggy Vixen vs the AESA radar in the Rafale gives the Rafale an overwhelming advantage at close to medium range and mitigates our longer range abilities in the Typhoon. Fix the radar and you fix much of the issues the Typhoon currently has.


no, now give ,me r77-1 and r73m

At this rate someone will ask seriously to get nukes to counter other lineup.

Wellโ€ฆ now you mention it, I wouldnt say no to them on the Tornado for use in defensive bombing

when asmp family ? launching little nuke missiles to ennemy starting from mirage 4 to rafale and mirage 2000N

extreme skill issue


Iโ€™m still waiting for FnF Spear-3s for FGR4

This has to be bait


tho such missiles in special air gamemode with more objectives would be nice.

Hahaha, good one