Best US top tier premium plane for grinding

Which top tier premium do i choose for grinding? I’m currently for rank 5. I thought about the F-5C originally, but apparently its bad. Later thought about the F-4S, but its also apparently bad. Need tips and info. My goal is to reach top tier ASAP.

the F-5 is a fun plane, it is good at dogfighting but can not destroy ground targets or bases. the F-4S is what most new players choose and it shows but it can destroy bases. the sales just ended so I recommend you wait till the December sales and see what is available then.

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Just my opinion, but honestly, if you’re rank 5 already, I’d simply Talisman a jet you like there to grind out the next rank. Overall, it’s probably cheaper that way.

Personally, I used the F9F-8 because I wanted to play with missiles. Then, I Tali’d the F8U-2 and unlocked the next complete rank. After that, I would suggest the F5E or F4E for the final push for top tier. I don’t see the worth in getting a premium to do the last half of a tech tree, especially when overall they aren’t overly enjoyable where they sit at the moment.

the F-4S is pretty alright, its what i used, AIM-7F’s are good (when the radar wants to function properly) and you can bomb if you’d rather do that. has the best F-4 flight performance right there with the Kurnass 2000.

F-5C is still good.
i still get games with 4/5 kills in RB. but you have to know how to dogfight and aim.

with F-4S you will be able to do some bases, it will be a easier grind. and probably more consistent.

F-4S best for grinding for taking bases. As for getting kills, that will depend on players knowledge on how to use the missiles and such. I have 318 matches with it, was able to unlock all low tier to the F-111A and A-10A Late in less than 2 weeks. Doable in less than a week depending on how you play it and how much time you have. Grinded the entire British Air TT in less than 2 weeks starting at rank 2 with the F-4J(UK) with just 600 matches.