I am entering into the UK at 6BR and I have the Centurion one. I have no premium account currently and really looking to avoid wasting time and SL if possible.What are people going for for 6 to 7 BR and onto 8Br? What to use and what to avoid.
Had a look already for this and there are a few posts about 6B not much else.
Can anybody give me advice or discussion on what to play and what to avoid 6 -8 BR ? CAS talk is welcome as I only really have the Wyvern as my best currently.
Falcon, scimitar and fox are good. Not had much success with anything else in that BR range. It’s cursed with APDS.
CAS… Eh… It’s a tad on the weaker side. Gets good at 8+ with things like the Canberra, Scimitar, Hunters, etc. but never really gotten much success out of things like the attacker. Probably best to stick with things like the wyvern or Lancaster tbh.
Sea Hawk I’ve heard is half decent, but I kinda skipped a lot of those naval fighters
But overall it’s not a BR I particularly enjoyed and so very rarely play it. Lowest i go these days is the chieftains at 8.7,
Since meteor got their bombs, they’re good CAS and fighter in 7.3-8.0 battle. in 8.3, with Upgraded Olifant, Warrior and the Vicker mbt m3, Canberra mk.2 with 4000 lbs x2 could do the job with de bomb sigh.
arround 6.0 - 8.0 with britain is sometime pain, but okay when you’ve some based lineup :
That’s very nice. I’m just looking for the pathway through it all. Grinding past 6BR is agony : ) .I’m aware some UK vehicles are best avoided.I know I will have to purchase some but the hours grinding them only to find they are rubbish is what I want to avoid.
Black prince and centurion mk1 are very good at 6.0, BP is boringly slow for early game but you dominate once you’re there, cent mk1 overall is very good, all centurions are
tortoise is like black price without a turret but far better armour, good TD
scimitar is modelled completely wrong skip it for the Eland 90 and Fox
I will take that advice.I am not against spending if I am enjoying the game.I’ll keep an eye out in the next sale.I’m patient enough to have some fun in a tin snail : )
Tiger 1 can only kill through the gunner sight or hull MG, and you can bounce panthers with an angled turret its impressive and very forgiving. Its just slower over terrain than a TOG
I just worked my way across a whole range of 6.7 for USA with no premium account and none of them would do more than 6mph un modded : ) Kind of got used to it.
It will do sniper fights as it has APDS and will get into any scrum you want. I take 30 shells of APDS and I have spent them all in enjoyable sniper fights. You can also just abuse any german or soviet vehicle really easily no matter where