Baz Meshupar no TWS no radar HMS slaving no Israeli munitions no Python 4

These are F-15A/B without MSIP.

Peace Fox V program supplied 1973-4 production version of F-15A/B used by the Air National Guard.



i was looking at the consideration for the f-15C Akef, from what i’m seeing (and the fact that in the files that it’s apperently called the f15C baz meshupar) gaijin is probably getting the info from that article

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I think you overestimate how easy it is to defend against ARH missiles given how many there will be.

Skill issue.


does the derby not making it to the target according to this graph ?

(If we are being honest here the derby probably overshot)
…By the way not trying to divert too far from the original discussion but I know on the dev servers the derby liked to loft too much and miss a lot…was that ever resolved?

Nope they will literally point towards the stars and not come down half the time

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I just realized something…they downgraded this plane with lower thrust and a worse flight model and added FOX-3s…there is no improvement over the original Baz and they could have just given that AMRAAMS instead of adding a new useless airframe


to the public, the regular derby’s max range is 50km/30mi

Coming back to this thread, asides from the AN/APG-63 PSP getting TWS and Datalink (there’s a report already out on this), I think the Baz Meshupar can be made both competitive and unique rather easily.

The addition of the GBU-15(V)2/B could certainly help it be more of a valid multirole, the bombs in the image are GBU-15(V)21/B’s characterised by their steeper frontal fins but all GBU-15’s go on the same pylon so the already in-game GBU-15(V)2/B could be added to this vehicle.

Baz Meshupar with GBU-15(V)21/B:


Another potential addition would be the Python 4. I know this one is rather controversial but I truly do feel like there’s an excessive amount of fear-mongering around the Python 4, especially with the new FOX-3 meta in mind.

The IRCCM of the Python 4 for all intents and purposes behaves exactly like the IRCCM of the 9M when tested. This alone debunks the fear-mongering around the “double” IRCCM. FOV clamping is redundant when seeker shutoff is also added on top.

Range wise it is a rather impressive missile sure, but in a meta filled to the brim with ARH missiles it’s nothing special.

I believe that the addition of the Python 4 and GBU-15(V)2/B to this vehicle would help compensate for its severely lacking radar set and give people a reason to consider getting this vehicle over the F-15C and F-15J(M).

Keep in mind that BOTH of the munitions mentioned are already in the game or in the files, adding these to the aircraft wouldn’t require entirely new assets to be made (Which would be the case with other additions to the Baz Meshupar like the SPICE 2000 or Popeye)


PT4s are effectively better R-73Ms, they are on par with K-74. 50G pull with thermal seeker is pretty scary if you ask me.

And how does that compare to AIM-120s? If anything, the guy should be talking about the AIM-9M.

wait so it is getting TWS?

It should be yes.

All good they can keep stay in denial … the Baz 2000 Program main purpose was to fit the F15s with better radars and avionics…

Another nail to the coffin of the Israeli Tech Tree both in Air and ground.

And your quote doesn’t mention any radar upgrades.

After the electronic equivalent of the F-15I, they explain what the equivalent electronic equipment is, which they say is the weapons computer used on the F-15I. It is a logical leap to say that the upgrade is a radar upgrade without any logic.

All the reports written so far have basically been zero source claims. These are reports that will be closed due to lack of sources.

From what I would assume is that the phyton 4 will use FOV irccm then seeker shut off if it does end up seeing flares which could make the python 4 almost unflareble in side and rear aspects
Adding to the fact that the missile has a Max speed of Mach 4 will make it even harder to flare off

@_David_Bowie will the Baz meshupar and the Barak II receive python 4 eventually?

The IAF website mentions:

Maiden flight: February 1979. The model is equipped with new engines and improved avionics, and can carry a very large amount of fuel. In addition, the F-15C can carry conformal fuel tanks, which enhance its range without detracting from other aspects of its performance.
In June of 1985, the plane’s systems were upgraded as part of an overall improvement program which included the radar, weapons controls and EW (electronic warfare) systems. 488 planes of this model are currently flying, in the air forces of the USA, Saudi Arabia and Israel.

Which states that the IAF operates the F-15C with an improved radar.

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