Baz Meshupar no TWS no radar HMS slaving no Israeli munitions no Python 4

The BAZ doesnt need improvements, its good at where it is.

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It doesn’t have a TWS, a feature that is a relative need for the proper employment of ARH missiles

wow, what a nice and smart argument point. IF X its bad, than dont cry about Y because there is something even more bad. why the hell should i care about the ICE? did i brought it up into the conversation? jesus what is wrong with you. there u commented something absolutly irrelevant. now u can go sleep in quiet i guess big boy.

I dont understand how normal search radar cant do it? also the other guy just showed sources of the upgrade never being mentioned at all, if you guys want it to be fixed, provide valid sources.

yeah but why should he care? he prob playing top tier usa - hes at fine spot with his little aircraft

If your mad, just say it lmfao, the IAF never had these upgrades your talking about.

Leave this thread if you just came to whinge, it’s not constructive at all

How can you say that? The Baz is completely fine as is right now, It’s realstic and historically accurate.

It’s fine, I’ll stay. :)

well because you have to hard lock and give your position with a RWR warrning? or what? go into a ram mode with a 1inch by 1inch of radar search ? jesus man, now i really realized how not that smart you are to say the least… were done talking big boy.

Oh nice. Linking the references of “avionics” in the Baz-2000 article and the K2K article, they could only be referring to a radar upgrade given prior usage of the word and context. By the way, fire control systems include the radar ;)

Thanks for confirming the radar upgrades.

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That’s what the IAF did in real life, which is historically correct? what’s wrong here.

by the way, these guys will cry their life out if the python 4 will drop into the game and say israel is so OP
the hypocrisy here is thriving.


Can you guys go to dms?

Not talking to that person, he seems to want me to leave because I shared my opinions.

What a nonsense. FCS stands for weapon computer.

  • Aircraft of the Israeli Air Force 5: McDonnell Douglas / Boeing F-15 Baz by Ra’anan Weiss and Alon Koren

All the above, coupled with new main and fire control computers formed the ‘Improved Baz’ program, launched during 1995. By 2004, all remaining airframes were upgraded to latest standard, fortifying the ‘Baz’ forehand position within the ranks of the IAF.

In 1995 Heyl Ha’avir embarked upon the the ‘Baz-2000’ program for improving the F-15s and readying them for battlefield of the 21st century. The program will involve thorough changes in the avionics systems (expected cost - $90 million) and is to be completed in the first years of the new decade. The improvements include upgrading the cockpit controls that display data received from the radar and additional sensors that the plane is fitted with. The old weapons computer will be replaced by a newer model, of the kind that will be installed in the F-15I’s. At the end of the improvement process, the F-15s will be fitted with avionics on a level similar to that of the F-16’s.

This refers to the new weapon computer mentioned on the IAF website, not the new radar.

The Python 4 is comparable to the AAM-3, the Python 5 is what you would compare to the 9X, IRIS-T and MICA-IR

mb, got it mixed.

FCS = Fire Control System. It includes radar. They wouldn’t upgrade the FCS computers if they didn’t also upgrade the FCSystem(s) Compatibility requirements limit how much you can modify the capability of older hardware with newer hardware. And I already explained how the two previous articles, especially the K2K, directly explain how avionics includes radar systems. None of them say the radar of the Baz 2000 program remained as they were originally delivered.

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here a another source -
just translate it from hebrow.
weapon computer can easily and obv include radar. what is radar than if not a computer that the weapons rely on in order to be use correctly?