Battle Rating changes for January 2024 (post feedback)


hence why I think this is a net positive change, even for 11.0 also most 11.0 can still fight 11.3, it’s just a shame for aircraft like JA37C which will never be flown again, since the JA37D is straight up better at 11.3.

I can highly recommend it actually! even at 11.3.
It’s a fantastic multirole, you can carry enough bombs for 1.5 bases, or 1 base and some boats/ground targets without sacrificing missiles, it has a great radar at 11.0 and magic 2’s are great now with the buffs. It’s a pretty nice flying aircraft, fast as hell (M1.2 on the deck) and nice looking HUD with CCIP.

That would turn entire 10.0 to 11.0 BR range into survival horror.

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Yeah, was always going to wait for a sale before getting it, just something else to factor in before commiting to spend more money.

But by the time I do get it, maybe we’ll have more BRs. We’ll have to see.

Yeah. that always sucks when that happens. But at the least the JA37D is geting a really big buff though

Yeah I’d wait for a sale too, I have J35XS, Kfir, Mirage F1, Su25 and mirage F1 might have been the nicest at least for grinding purposes. In sim I found the J35XS more fun but Mirage F1 was great fast multirole so you’d always Max out the useful actions.

yeah, I think it’s going back to 11.7 or 12.0 when it gets it’s AMRAAMs anyways. I’m enjoying it at 11.3 while it lasts

Oh yeah, at minimum 12 when it gets AMRAAM unfortunately.

why would you want to artificially remove it from the 9.3 lineup?

if it only gets 2 (early)AMRAAMs I can actually see it at 11.7, but not if it gets all 4 which it could carry.

If F14A can sit at 11.7 with 6 phoenix or aim7’s, I can see the worse FM/radar/rwr/ Viggen sit there with 2 essentially active aim7’s. But I can also see it at 12.0. With 2 amraams, 12.3 with all 4

Yeah, I see your case. Though Im currently expecting the Sea Harrier FA2 to be at least 12.3 unfortunately, and that is basically a Sea Harrier FRS1 with a god tier radar and 2x Aim-120Bs and 4x Aim-9M. So maybe stronger in AAMs, but weaker in FM than the Viggen. But yeah, we’ll just have to wait see

Saved ? Are you being sarcastic or what ? Only somua and amx m4 are save bro

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there was an 11.0 toptier bracket for the last 12 months, there will be a 12.0 top BR eventually again once we push past 12.7 into likely 13.0

Better sim Bracket revision. However the J7D with its missiles should stay 11.0. It will be to strong at 10.7 when you look at other planes at 10.7. main missiles at that br are r60 and aim9j. PL-7 is much stronger than those

In France we say : “allez Vous faire foutre” :)

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It really all depends if Gaijin decides Fox 3’s will only be 13.0+, if it is Viggen will go to 12.0.
But right now Gaijin tends to give top tier missiles to jets 1.0 BR below, examples were the 11.0 Harrier and some Su25’s with R73. For that same reason I can see them give the shit FM/Radar/RWR Viggen some amraam at 1BR below where top tier is carrying them.

Yeah, we can only hope they will do that. Otherwise many are going to suck and be near unplayable when added

I assure you it really doesnt make a difference as matchmaking at these BRs would already put you into 10.3-10.7 games.
It’s still is good and it can get better if Gaijin finally models it fully.

I would also suggest giving the Leopard 2PL DM53 it’s at 11.3 fighting in top tier and DM43 is ain’t it anymore against the vehicles it’s facing.

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3BM60 at 10.0 is absolutely unjustifiable. There is absolutely NO REASON that 3BM46 was insufficient. If you want to give the 2S25M 3BM60, at least have the decency to put it at 11.0.


7.7 France absolutely does not deserve to get moved about. What about all the superior vehicles at 8.0? The Object 906 will be at the same BR as the AMX-50 TO90 now, make that make sense Gaijin. It simply does not have the penetration or performance to exist at that BR, and will now get uptiered to 9.0 where it would face the Object 279 - seems SUPER fair. Stop balancing purely based on vehicle stats - look at the players getting those stats! 7.7 France is not played by many new players which artificially boosts the stats of those vehicles. The Tiger IIH for example is able to remain at 6.7 because so many newer players use it alongside the veterans. Rethink this please.

Also, leave the A6M5 Ko where it is - what gives you the idea it deserves to be any higher? It is already extremely slow and has limited firepower.


Stryker MGS [2 of them]: M900, which while it has 10% less pen, still pens everything at 10.0.
KE-W is at 10.0 on M60 AMBT, and KE-W is 3BM60 equivalent having 4mm more 60 degree penetration than 3BM60.
TAPNA at 10.3, M900 equivalent.
So yeah, it’s not abnormal to have high-penning rounds on 10.0s & 10.3s.

Nobody plays the Spruts, you all are making a fuss for no reason at all.