Battle rating 1.0 >> 0.7

This match model where you fall 1.0 above the BR you want to play is horrible. It’s a glaring difference, but I see people talking and never doing anything and respecting it and the host always turns a blind eye to the subject.
I would like your opinions on a different model of match searches, for example:
LVL 1 rank 1.0 to 1.7
LVL 2 rank 2.0 to 2.7
LVL 3 rank 3.0 to 3.7…


Why don’t up everything else 1.0 above instead of going backwards?

This system makes zero sense. If tanks from 2.0 and 2.7 always end up in the same match, then what is even the difference between 2.0 and 2.7? Who would ever want to play a tank that can never get a downtier but would always be in an uptier?


I would, honestly.
It’s the same system as in Sim.

Lower BR vehicles simply need to earn more rewards and result in less ticket loss than higher BR vehicles.

Playing as the underdog can be fun.

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We should have BRs go to 20.0 easily, but for some reason Gaijin likes to keep things compressed and miserable, either malicious or incompetence.


just going + 0.7 and - 0.7 would be better.
so a tank at BR 2.0 would fight in games from 0.3 and 2.7


No, BR compression is not the answer.
Over 90% of vehicles in War Thunder are balanced.
We don’t compress 90% of vehicles to fix 10% of vehicles, we decompress the >10% of vehicles that need decompression.

Not mathematically possible to have 20 BRs.
In comparison, World of Tanks has 5BRs equivalent. War Thunder is the most decompressed game on the market right now, and there are only minor issues left after the last 5 decompressions.

Gotta love the “uptiers suck. We need to create multiple perma-uptiers”.

Tbh yeah it suck
and seem only way to avoid it is playing top tier no other way around

You didn’t understand what he said.
That’s actually decompression. in his example, a tank with 2.0 BR now fights from 1.0 up to 3.0 BR.
In his example it will fight from 1.3 to 2.7 BR.

It compresses the MM which has its own downsides, but since Gaijin continuously refuses to decompress (newest BR changes for example), I think that it’s something that Gaijin needs to do.

I don’t believe you.

We can get up to 16.0 incredibly easily (we can reach 15.0 just by decompressing 12.7+, and surely it’s possible to somewhat decompress the mess that is 7.7-10.3), so I don’t think 20 is entirely out of the question.

False. By the time we get 5 more decompressions, we will already need another three because Gaijin never properly decompresses the top BR.

Downsides is Queue times? There is an option already for smaller lobbies. It would be easier for it to work with lower demand. Which is something the community continuesly asks again, smaller lobbies for higher tiers.
Actually 0,7 spread would fix a lot of issues and if anything it would bring people that stopped playing/took break because of the MM back. And that comes from someone that occasionally takes a break for months because of the MM.
If you want to play something non-top tier (13,7-14.0 ARB) or non-meta/downtiered you get fed up after some months.

I am very much in favour of having the matchmaker only do +/- 0.7 BR instead of +/- 1.0.

The issue is - this would be useful (and needed) for Air RB only.
The other game modes allow you to have a LINE-UP, which means, you can choose your vehicle to bring on the situation, and also you already cover a spread of BRs in your line-up. As do the enemies. And even in a full uptier, the enemy lineup will have some vehicles that you can beat with your current lineup.

Only Air RB gives you a game mode with no alternate vehicles to choose from (you brought a strategic bomber but there are only carriers to land on? Tough luck!) and still forces you to face opposition that outclasses you.

This lack of control over what vehicles to bring into which situation amplifies the discrepancy of BR +/- 1.0 differences.

Examples? Some ground attacking aircraft around 3.3/3.7 do nicely in some matches where there are soft targets, but fail miserably if there are only pillboxes.

So some planes are just in the wrong place. Not even counting the flying boats and floatplanes in deserts.

So in a summary, yes, Air RB needs this matchmaker change to +/- 0.7 only

Less available balancing levels in a certain BR bracket, which leads to less precise balancing (unless you want even more decompression)

I agree. Proper decompression is better overall, but it’s much more difficult and takes alot longer to do.


I don’t know (facts) , but i have a thought that when they implemented that system they had RB EC in mind. Back in 1.37 patch when they implemented the current MM/TT RB EC was the talk of town, which they brought for a little and then took it away. And it had a line-up.
Also , in the same thought , there was no plan for Historical MM… but they’d supposed to bring World War mode and we had historical events with historical (or close to historical) match ups. WW mode happened …5 times so far? 6? in 22 years.They used line-ups there as well.
And they just took away the events because people cried they were not balanced (some of them were not… but you could always fix the numbers in the lobby to make it more playable, instead they just didn’t make events again).

The more i’m thinking it, i don’t believe the MM system was intended for ARB format. More like … everything else and can use it in ARB as well.
In general ARB doesn’t feel that was they “intended” main plane game mode. I don’t know why it wasn’t ever updated as gameplay , since they cut off everything else ,though.

“BR compression is actually decompression.”
No, it isn’t.
You’re putting Maus, IS-3, M46, and M26 from 4 separate BRs into 3 BRs under this system, that’s compression.
Not only that but moving from 4 to 3 is itself compression.

Decompression 12.7 - 14.0 only gets you 14.7 - 15.0, more likely 14.7.
It’s decompression 9.3 that gets you 15.3.

Gaijin has literally decompressed over 5 times so far and will continue to do so.
Not only that but Gaijin would have to do ALL the work of decompression before they could even do the 0.7 match maker compression, which would be more work.

0.7 is more work than decompression. This is a fact no matter how many people in the pro-compression crowd say otherwise.

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