Battle Pass Vehicles: Sholef V.1

Both had 900-908? So should we see if we can get the forums suggestion for the Sholef V2 adjusted then if this is indeed incorrect?
I would assume that since Ofekk213 said it had a 1200hp engine, he must have had a source for it somewhere. However I have a feeling it may only relate to the V2, and the V1 is off 900-908 as the museum stated. But then again, maybe he’s wrong and this needs to be adjusted after contacting a suggestion mod, suggestions can still be edited after being passed right?

as far as i know, both used the 900 hp. the suggestion might contain inaccuracy, and we are working (Ofekk included) to double-check all those details with more reliable sources.

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Yea, I have to admit it was a mistake on my end.

It had the 908hp engine of the Merkava Mk.1. I assumed it got upgraded with time as it was hinted at in a couple of sources and engine hp value varied from source to source, but it is indeed the 908hp engine.

It does weight 45 tons tho, that I am 100% sure of.

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Well that’s unfortunate I guess, but it is what it is. Still will be relatively great mobility anyway when they get the 15 ton weight reduction lol.
Still going to be an above average mobility for an SPH with that weight.

Just got it today after putting off my BP challenges these past few weeks… and this may be one of the worst vehicles I’ve had the displeasure of playing.

The ONLY thing it has going for it is the round, which is very potent. The neutral steering is nice too.

The turret is absolutely massive so good luck trying to peek at enemies. They will have ample time to shoot you before you can get your gun on target, and that’s if you can get your gun in target considering the -3 degrees of gun depression and awful horizontal targeting speed. Your machine guns cannot be some upward when facing the front for some reason. Because of the updated modules, it is even less survivable than other SPHs. Sure, the hull is well armored but that doesn’t matter when your entire ammo rack and 3/4 crew members and your autoloader sit behind 30mm RHA. The thing that makes vehicles like the Type 99 good is the good reload speed and the reverse, of which the Sholef has neither.

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This is exactly why I use slow ammo for these types of massive SPG’s 90% of the time 😉 I said it once, but I’ll say it again: I will probably never use this tank again, at all, unless it gets slow ammo back/added. Just no point. Even a massive reduction in its BR, even down to ~6.0 where the M109s are, would not be enough for me. I could then just use any of the M109/clones/comparable SPG’s with slow/lob-able ammo instead.

Even though it is a premium, at this point I would just prefer to grind out the Israel ground tree with tech tree vehicles over this thing. Sad really, I was going to use it to finally get into the Israel ground tree with a (previously) viable premium vehicle.

Is there not a one single Jew around here who can write a letter in Hebrew to their military museum or what other place has a Sholef and get the correct data ?

Is there no tape of the damned thing firing on the move? I’d think that in the age of video cameras that’d have been recorded.

Awwww man, the speed increase is majorly bad news for me.

Almost every single self-propelled howitzers in the game is incorrectly interpreted, because they can vary their charges according to need, no ?

Israel sadly keeps most things classified even when obsolete. That being said the info could be out there. However it would most likely not from a source with firsthand knowledge.

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we have serial Israelis who play Warthunder. and I am in contact with many of them. we are currently trying to set up a meeting with the Museum itself. but the guy who is in charge is currently on leave. we need to wait for his return to talk to him.

Also, The Jews aren’t the Israelis. it’s a religion, not a nation. It might be offensive to mistake them.


Can confirm I read this and thought to myself wtf?
Many Israelis are Jewish, but you don’t call a guy from Egypt “Muslim”.

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Yup. Also, the Shiryon Archive server recently found images that 100% proof that the Sholef V2 had a laser rangefinder (internal image showing the rangefinder modules).

Considering that up until now we know that the V1 and V2 are practically very similar (the only exceptions are the barrel, smoke grenade launchers, and turret shape) it’s safe to assume this proof will also apply to the V1.


Not all Jews are Israelis and not all Israelis are Jews. That being said, I am both and I already went to the Beit Ha’Totchanim museum (where the current Frankenstein Sholef is being “exhibited” (left to rot)) and went through a lot of the available books and reports about it. Aside from some history stuff and other not-really-too-important things I didn’t find too much there.

The Sholef is still mostly classified, I believe it will be fully declassified around 2032-2035, although with how garbage IDF archiving and preserving is I doubt we will get absolutely everything about it.

With that said, info on Israeli vehicles generally just pops out of the blue every once in a while, like the recent proof of laser rangefinder on the V2. We just gotta hope.


Jeez, that’s an awfully long time. Having to wait some 50 years for a 1980s design to be declassified seems to be a tad ridiculous. On the plus side, at least now we know for certain the Sholef had a laser rangefinder!

It’s also important to remember there are over 2 million Arab Israelis. Many serve the country in a variety of ways including civil, political and military service. Israelis are not a monolith.
Never a good idea to generalize about anyone.

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Yeah. Pretty standard for Israel. I’m actually surprised it’s not longer.

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Lots of people in here complaining that it isn’t some meta mbt boring vehicle. It is an SPG, it’s always going to be a one-trick-pony. That’s what makes it fun. The 12KG HE does make a difference with proxi, and the velocity of the gun makes this thing a beast for swatting air out of the sky. It’s a good battlepass vehicle, and one that I will make many good memories in. I only wish it was Rank V, but i digress.

More people are upset about the things it’s missing than the fact it’s an SPH.
It’s missing a stabilizer, laser rangefinder, has 15 extra tons of air for goodness sake, has a much slower vertical and horizontal traverse rate than it should, and should have a 6.67s reload. But ya know if gaijin were to add all those things they’d have to move it up, and can’t have an actually high-ish BR premium BP vehicle can we…


I gotta say I got the Sholef and its terrible, mobility is good but everything else is a mess. The turret is so big that i cant see half of the screen, the auto-loader is taking a huge space so its most likely to get hit and the armor is weak but not too weak so every APHE shell can detonate inside it and I dont know what were they thinking, at least they should remove the detailed auto-loader and keep it like in the type 99 for example

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People aren’t angry that it’s not meta, they’re meta because it’s blatantly unrealistic in many ways, most of which going against it

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Fair enough. If that’s the case, then I agree it should have what it has IRL.