Battle Pass Vehicles: Sholef V.1

It’s also important to remember there are over 2 million Arab Israelis. Many serve the country in a variety of ways including civil, political and military service. Israelis are not a monolith.
Never a good idea to generalize about anyone.

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Yeah. Pretty standard for Israel. I’m actually surprised it’s not longer.

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Lots of people in here complaining that it isn’t some meta mbt boring vehicle. It is an SPG, it’s always going to be a one-trick-pony. That’s what makes it fun. The 12KG HE does make a difference with proxi, and the velocity of the gun makes this thing a beast for swatting air out of the sky. It’s a good battlepass vehicle, and one that I will make many good memories in. I only wish it was Rank V, but i digress.

More people are upset about the things it’s missing than the fact it’s an SPH.
It’s missing a stabilizer, laser rangefinder, has 15 extra tons of air for goodness sake, has a much slower vertical and horizontal traverse rate than it should, and should have a 6.67s reload. But ya know if gaijin were to add all those things they’d have to move it up, and can’t have an actually high-ish BR premium BP vehicle can we…


I gotta say I got the Sholef and its terrible, mobility is good but everything else is a mess. The turret is so big that i cant see half of the screen, the auto-loader is taking a huge space so its most likely to get hit and the armor is weak but not too weak so every APHE shell can detonate inside it and I dont know what were they thinking, at least they should remove the detailed auto-loader and keep it like in the type 99 for example

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People aren’t angry that it’s not meta, they’re meta because it’s blatantly unrealistic in many ways, most of which going against it

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Fair enough. If that’s the case, then I agree it should have what it has IRL.


So that’s where the Soviet mentality about secrecy went… they’re classifying a long-obsolete weapon system that never made it out of the prototype stage.

Fairly off topic but to be fair, there is the Jewish race/ethnicity, and heyo, they do tend to live in Isreal!

Anyways, hopefully the sholef will be properly implimented, even though I likely won’t have it.

So after the Chinese get a SPG with lrf can we finally get at least the lrf on sholef pls??!!! i mean its modeled on the gun cmon Gaijin


well, hoping they will. but my hope is already lost


I just bought it and am waiting for it to come on the market, how much do you think it will cost?

Not much, it’s completely worthless atm.

Damn. I spent $50 to buy 10k gold eagle to buy and complete 125 lv BP.

You probably should have known by now that it’s going to be worthless, since it’s terrible.

All you can do now is wait and hope they fix it in the future, increasing it’s value

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the PLZ83-130 is going for around $14.20. it will probably be around there or less

pbm-5a + sholef + some inanimate objects = 50$ : was my big mistake :P

it has a cool skin though

yea hers what im holding onto

the chines p-51 is only $4 right now and its a premium at rank III. I figure i could sell if for 15 down the road and over double my investment. others i just completed the battle pass or the challenges. except the f-14, there was a big dip and i bought a second one, but then the price went down a bit more. but in a year or so i should be able to get $100 or more for it.

i used the iranian f-14 even though i unlocked the f-14a f-14b in the us tech tree.

You seem to be a talented investor

not really talented, just bored. The new f-14 is over powered but after the initial excitement and your not having over half the players playing f-14 iran the B and A work just fine. i have 3k kills in the 14B so just not worth it for me to do the new one. The new missiles are cool and way better than the phoenix but ive played that into the ground lol.

Plus i plan on taking a break and probably play another sci fi game for a while where i dont have to worry about grinding out tech trees. for this next bp, not going to do it as its not exciting for me, especially since the bomber will be on sale in the market for maybe around $20 and by then i will have credit so nothing lost. i’m in my burn out faze of WT right now. I dont want to grind anymore and may take a break for a while as i have been gun hoe for about a year now.

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