Battle Pass Vehicles: Sholef V.1

Awesome. this could be explaining a lot of the problems. They mean the first prototype but make the later version model so we and gaijin maybe are both right. But the question now is what they will do, make the model the first prototype and call it sholef v1 early XD or give it the features the model they use had? im rly intrigued


What is that hull form? Snub front Merkava looking goofy

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Maybe it was mounted on a merkava hull prototype

It was already bad at 7.3 Gaijin. Why are you doing this to something you expect money from???

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Honestly, I’m never gonna buy a BattlePass again unless they fix this tank.
Edit: there’s nothing wrong with this post, please don’t false flag things.


They increased the velocity of the shells guys 😭

We’re so back (for now)
6.67s reload when gaijin!!! Lmao


I got it for free. That’s the only reason I’m getting it

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Well yeah, but I wanted the camo/loading screen/title to go with it lol. Not really worth it when they butcher the vehicle tho…

Yeah, but I mean I literally got the Battle pass for free. I’m getting everything in it that I want or can get to.

I agree with you. Damn in Ground RB I’ve been absolutely killing it with Lancia truck, being able to lob shells at people over a small hill. I was invisible and enemy tanks kept exploding. 450m/s + effective rangefinder would be a sweet spot.
Gaijin has to allow people to use reduced charge, like artillery can do IRL.


Nice! I’ll need to give it another shot.

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It’s still far from perfect, but at least it’s a bit better to aim at range with the improved velocity.
It’s still 15 tons overweight, 300hp underpowered, 9rpm instead of 5rpm, and no stabilization or faster vertical/horizontal turret traverse. There’s even more than that tbf…

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I prefer the choice of fast or slow shells for range. With fast shells you can’t lob over hills and are forced to expose your super squishy SPG to enemy fire, almost completely. For me, this is a huge negative for the Sholef now.

I’m aware. However, at this point it’s progress lol.
I used to Israeli vehicles being worse than they should be ;-)


Tbf there aren’t* too many situations you can do that with, but yes those situations do exist. However this is a major improvement to the ability to hit moving targets, given the time for the shell to reach the target is reduced.

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Aren’t we all lmao… israel suffers man…


This is the as far as I can tell the first time the battle pass features a bad vehicle overtiered by at least 1.0.

worse speed, worse turret traverse, 50% extra reload time compared to the Japanese sph.

The French Auf1 is better in every single aspect and it’s lower tier.

What is the thinking here?


Much of the self-propelled artillery piece in the game uses separate charges, Gaijin should allow us to set gunpowder amount.

It’s not rocket science, you just need to add one single toggle that selects the amount of powder bags and add some stuff to the rangefinder.


the Sholef heve much more protection. it is at least immune to .50cal. when it come to tank’s gun, the difference is almost nothing.

the Shole reload should be 6.7 or 8.5 sec which is much better than what we currently have. i would easily be satisfied for 8.5 sec as a good compromise.

there is strong evidence that Sholef did have an LRF which would help a lot with the accuracy at a longer range. we are working in gethering the info about it. we also want to check the Stabilizer, the turret rotation, and the gun’s elevation with the museum. we suspect those aspects to also be wrong, the weight.

as for now, we recently had the gun improved, the mobility was improved as well, the internal armor is better, and the engine was corrected.

we can expect the weight to also be corrected which would give a pretty decent mobility at the end.

if it get the autoloader, Stabilizer and LRF it would feel underrated suddenly.

but right now, it’s true it do not seem to sit at the best BR