Battle Pass Vehicles: He 177 A-3/R3 Greif

yeah true


YOU GET A Cruise missile

YOU GET A Cruise missile

YOU GET A Cruise missile



EVERYONE gets a cruise missile


When will the Japanese (better) equivalent come? Ki-147 missile for Ki-67 and G8N1 bombers. Total weight 1,400 kg, including 800 kg warhead


Literally, the next or other future Battlepass is going to be this one lmao:

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Yeah i have no idea what main aircraft means :v.

Like it could be “you get this for bp not warbonds”


It may spawn even higher, I think Me-264 f.e. spawns above lighter bombers. This would mean He-177 gets guaranteed 1st drop unless intercepted by absolutely-needing-that-airspawn Hornet.

Anyway, too bad battle pass props are either attackers/bombers or P-51 copies. Ok, B7A2 Homare is a goddamn monster of an interceptor but it’s a broken plane at a wrong BR.
Would love to see some proper fighters instead. Like Re.2005 with VDM propeller and uprated engine.
Or Ta-152H0 with MG213s. Or Ta-152H0 with MW50 (essentialy a lighter 152H, but with worse performance above 8500 - like anyone cared). Or even better - a mix of these 2 - Ta-152H0 was capable of mounting both MW50 and MG213s, and it would make a decent high tier axis prop, finally not hindered by godawful ballistics of non,-stealth belt (due to bug every belt fired shells at the speed of 1st shell in the belt, so basically this means M-geschoss is fired at 710m/s instead of 790m/s but it has its speed bleed modelled just fine, as a result it slows down very fast from that already low speed).


The thing is, that distance varied on alt and the speed of the aircraft firing the shell.
So the value we have in game is basically always wrong.

It would simply be easier to revert the change and equip non SD shells. They existed, they were used, so why bother, combat conditions are not WW2, so adhering to WW2 choice which was based on the combat conditions makes no sense.

Probably just like the SB/SC 2500 which still remains missing from a multitude of aircraft in this game, including the He 177. The Hs 293 should be equipable on the BV 238 V4, Do 217 E-5, Do 217 K-2, Do 217 M-5, Do 217 M-11, Do 217 R, Fw 200 C-6, Fw 200 C-8, Ju 290 A-7, Ju 290 A-8, & the Ju 390 A-1


PBM-5A is goated. It can take out all 4 bases.

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I dont think many of these were successfully tested.
As in the data transmissions (wireless) werent that good. However i would love to have this lol

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Shouldn’t this aircraft be the He 177 A-3/R4, not R3? Typical gaijin screwup

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mz brother in christ. its has missle that are not found on anz other vehicle.

─It still embodies the same useless He-177 as before!


What the hell are you going to use those missiles for? You’re not even playing Naval.
Really, people seem to settle for so little these days.

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It’s been two years since i bug reported both the SB and SC 2500 TwT

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First of all: the He177 isnt useless unless you think that all bombers are useless (Typical fighter mafia). And I really like the He177

Second: You dont know if i play Naval or not!.. OK im not playing naval but you dont know that.

Third: One could say that any Vehicle with a gimick is just the other mediocre/bad vehicle with a gimick but that doesnt mean that people arent allowed to enjoy them. I am really looking towards the missles and I’m really happy that they are being added. And you want to know why? Because im allowed to have fun in this game no matter if the vehicle is good or bad. If i wanted to only play good vehicles I would only play US Air toptier but what fun is there if im only limiting myself to a handpicked few when there are over 2000 vehicles in this game. I mean at this point why not just delete over 90%of the vehicles so people dont have to play bad vehicles? I mean even if it the missles came on any long range bomber from Germany YOU would still complain. Because YOU cant see that there doesnt has to come a new META vehicle that will dominate the rank and br its at with every Battle Pass/Event. I mean look at vehicles like the Sturmtiger, Matilda Hedgehog, RBT-5, LOSAT or Typ 75 MARS all of those arent “good” vehicles but its still nice that Gaijin added them. Imagine if Gaijin added only “good vehicles”, imagine how few vehicles were there if people like you would decide what vehicles to add. It’s kinda sad how people like you simply cant get satisfied becasue the next vehicles added arent top of the line broken who will dominate everything.

Forth: I also wish they would still have 4 vehicles per Battle pass but i think thats besides the point. IAd I also wish that some vehicles were TT instead of Battle Pass or Event. And I too am annoyed at copy paste but this isnt copy paste. If it was copy paste it would be a He177 without mislles that prolly has a special skin or even worse was just in another country like the Kungstiger.

At this point they could just remove the Battle pass and then noone gets any vehicles besides TT or the Events every now and then.


No it doesn’t. This is an A-3/R3 R4, not an A-5/R2:

More information:


Its fitted with the R4 mods, but it also includes other rursatz modifications. So is it really an A3/R4 then?

Since gaijin made a point of saying that this will carry both Fritz X & Hs 293, that makes it an R4

Four, if gaijin did their research:


We never gonna get it

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Always with interesting informations about the German stuff !

You do a good job each time. 👍